Yugi was getting a laugh from Joey and Jaden about the situation of food and Tristens survival book. It was funny in a way and it went to where nearby Tristen and Tea found some berries that were edible thanks to this book. Yami could feel Shadows unease and so could Yubel. But to leave Jadens side of which she did, and sat next to the genie. "I can see you are troubled and rightfully so. But must only stay and guard and keep a watchful eye on our charges. Trust them to make the right choice when it comes. Assist if necessary. This is though how i do things when it comes to Jaden. Maybe try this with Yugi. See how it goes as you continue to learn your friendship with him. Im here to to help you find this 'Spy' of yours." she explains with a smile. She pats Shadows head with a goofy grin before ruffling her hair a little for good measure. This didnt go unnoticed by Jaden and Yugi when they glanced to them and smiled softly toward them before deciding to call it for the night with the rest of the group.