[@SleepingSilence] Let's start at the beginning: No, it's never smart to write drunk. Or almost never. I don't know you that personally. First of all- there's the sometimes repeated and over-numerous Techniques between In-Training and Ultimate level. Baby and In-Training Digimon can only have one technique, almost as a rule. Rookies can have one or two, but not usually three, and the maximum number of Techniques a Digimon can have in most situations is four. Secondly- the characters shouldn't even know what Digimon are- and the Digimon shouldn't know humans are real- before they meet each other, so that's another thing that needs to be changed. Now, for the big stuff. The entire bio is rather choppy and fragmented, to the point where it barely feels like it's about the same character. A once-over to repair the flow would help a lot. In addition, the traits you gave your character are so un-explained and numerous that they don't seem to apply to the same person, especially with the inter-cut talk about his father. I don't really have any idea about who the character is, really, nor does he give much of a knowledge vibe. Plus the "is expertly socially capable but also a hacker but also a terrible" vibe is just... yeah, that doesn't work. So, yeah, there's some restructuring to be done, and maybe try for a different Crest if you want. We did just have the Sincerity player drop, so that could be a good place to try and not be gunning after an aspect to which anyone may have gotten attached.