[center][h2]Christine Abigail[/h2][/center] [hr] Midway as Christine climbed the hill Bak had made (shamelessly showing her bottom to Bak and anyone else who happened to look up towards her direction), Katherine woke up. Bak called over to her, asking on what they should do to her sister. "Oh, Kat, you're awake!" Christine's eyes widened with joy as she turned around, leaped down the hill and stood over the sitting Katherine. She crouched down once more, putting her hands on her sister's shoulders as she asked, "Are you alright?". It was clear from her expression that she was relieved for her. She then looked to the side towards Bak and said, "I suppose she is a prisoner now. Hey, Kat, you're not going to try and fight all of us, are you?" she asked back at her sister. In the meantime, just like before, her panties were showing as she was crouching with one leg raised, sitting on the heel of the other. At least that meant she shared Kat's own state of dressing as some of her uniform had burned off from her display from before, exposing a little of her undergarments as well. [@Gentlemanvaultboy][@6slyboy6]