[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yICuhDr.png[/img][/center] [color=9B1436]"I know our quest is simple,"[/color] Eilidh replied, smiling, [color=9B1436]"But it has been too long since I was called upon as an adventurer instead of a warrior. It's nice to talk to you too. We haven't spoken since we were introduced several days ago."[/color] She was asked about her kind bu Neil, and after an exchange where she couldn't help giggling to herself, as asked the same thing by Ditzy. [color=9B1436]"The Centaurs,"[/color] she began, [color=9B1436]"Are a tribal race. We live in small settlements largely comprised of females, with one alpha male and occasionally a second, younger male. The men fight each other over the role of alpha for a tribe. Everybody is trained to fight, as natural prey run fast on the grasslands and can hide, so we must hunt other predators to survive. we must also fight other tribes for ownership of fertile or strategic land. It is...a fulfilling, exhilarating way to live, though I do not miss it. As for your question, Ditzy, all Centaur are strong, and most are about as pretty as me. I've never thought of myself as particularly pretty."[/color] [@PaulHaynek][@Restalaan] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0zwxKiN.png[/img][/center] The church they were to visit was not Eilidh's church. In fact, they passed Eilidh's church on the way there, or rather the place where it stood, now a field for vegetables. All signs that a building had ever stood there had been erased. The holy woman was subdued and upset for the rest of the journey. However, when they reached the church, she was glad her abandoned sanctuary had not been allowed to fall into such disgraceful ruin, and that cheered her up somewhat. At least the Old Church of the Benevolent Queen was helping people to the very end instead of merely spoiling a view. The Priestess was dressed peculiarly on this trip, lest she be recognized. Moster Girls may not be the most welcome sight in Pravar but at least they didn't warrant a calling of the guards. A traitor less than a day's travel away from her birthplace was a sight more dangerous. She was adored in drab grey rags, with a headscarf wrapped around her head and face. She was also wearing her estoc outside her clothes instead of concealed under her skirt. She looked like a rogue rather than a Lady. When they approached the church, an old woman was present, lamenting a missing man called Peter whom Rebecca assumed to be her fiance. Yang was to journey to Ambran and fetch her husband. Meanwhile Lily was expressing desire to explore the church, and Maria was chiding her, explaining that they should be helping the old woman. Rebecca approached the two. [color=edd902]"Maria, if you accompany Yang to Ambran, I shall supervise Lily and explore the Church. Besides, if there is to be a wedding here, they will need a Priest or [i]Priestess[/i]."[/color] Rebecca then approached the old woman. [color=edd902]"My Lady, if they are to fetch your husband, then surely we must make arrangements so that all else will be ready when they return. I do have some experience in Pravarian wedding vows, but we can discuss more inside."[/color] [@PaulHaynek][@Eviledd1984][@Restalaan]