[color=silver][center][indent][indent][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/oazXZhC.png[/img][/center][indent][indent][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=crimson]”How long are they going to keep us for?”[/color] Jackson impatiently stomped his boots on the smooth floor, a quick series of tapping noises reverberating through the seemingly empty walls. When he found himself being forced to sit still in a room he wasn’t familiar with and with people he didn’t know, he got antsy; and when Jackson got antsy, one could say he was even more irritable than usual. That, given what has already been displayed by the large male, was saying something. Being forced into this situation did nothing but put him in a sour mood from the get-go. Jackson’s only saving grace was the shared opinion that waiting wasn’t an option, or at least, not welcomed. Of course, there was always that one guy who was the odd man out. This was represented in the monk who was the last one to show arrive. Jackson didn’t give him much attention in the beginning because he had more important things to focus on - well, really, he just didn’t care, but when you voice an opinion that an already-pissed off man disagreed with, it wouldn’t take a neurosurgeon to figure out what his next course of action would be. [color=crimson]“To hell with your patience. We’ve been waiting here long enough.”[/color] Jackson stood up, taking one last glance around the room. The same eyes that had scanned the room several times over when they were trying to alleviate some of the boredom that was gathered by just sitting down were now scanning the room for a different reason. They had purpose and fire in them. Though not completely visible, Jackson’s demeanor was no longer one of misguided frustration. It too had a purpose and that purpose was to find the god-forsaken exit. [color=crimson]“You can sit around and do nothing if you want, Baldo. I, for one, am going to force their hand so we can get some fucking answers!”[/color] Jackson pounded his fists together, fiery determination oozing from his body. [/indent][/color]