The man, still holding Alice, was slightly set aback by her remarks, as well as her remarkable strength. [i]Hmm, well now, aren't we strong? A bit saucy too. Fortunately I tend to like that in a woman.[/i] He thought. "Come now," he said,"it's unfair to generalize all men or even a grand majority of men solely on past personal experiences. It's not about gender miss, it's human nature in whole. You have the good, and the bad, of all races and cultures and of both genders. You know, there are many men who would easily classify many women as harpies and witches that use their figures and charms to cheat and take advantage of weak-willed men. Tell me miss, how many female secretaries and interns have separated marriages, broken up families, and slept their way to undeserved positions and titles? How many common prostitutes have slid their way into the pockets of wealthy old businessmen and politicians, hmm?" He paused for but a second and continued,"My point is, you shouldn't generalize a group by a few bad apples. I do regret that you have been wronged by men as of late, I do, but please, don't become permanently and universally toxic to all males for the wrongs of idiots." Catching himself from forgetting, he said finally,"By the way, my name is [b]Alex Crawford[/b], I'm a realtor from Manhattan, nice to meet you." He finished with a short nod, his hold on Alice still firm but not harsh.