[@tobiax] Frankly that's getting into semantics, without addressing any of my points. The cannon digimon moveset isn't what the RP has, and the requirements aren't the "normal" because there is no normal for roleplaying. Simple as that. Also, no you didn't just do that. You mocked me for thinking that we might have already been introduced to our characters. When my very last digimon RP, did just that. So damn me for the details, but you acted like many of my statements were purely unfounded. And please give me a break. Telling me my writing compared to the rest is somehow less appropriate for the advanced section...I'm perfectly capable of writing an advance character sheet. I'll leave it at that. Without specifics given, all I can assume is your opinion merely clashed with mine. So I won't say you're wrong, but don't you dare say I'm wrong if you don't have specifics. (Nor suggestions for improvement.) I was joining for your own benefit. (like every player, a GM cannot roleplay without players.) So this blatant ill attitude won't get you players and may outright push others away. That isn't constructive. You weren't being constructive. You were passive aggressive, which is an antithesis of that. And you weren't even correct with things you said to me. Nor helpful, with the actual things I wanted help with. I wasn't purposefully mud-slinging. (My term of an endless list/bullet point description. Is just a bunch of words without further clarification, like it's a grocery shopping list. Go buy; Milk,Bread,Cornflakes. Etc. The fact that it's "just eight" is trivial.) The entire reason I provided that was because I wanted an actual detailed explanation on why that was considered "short and fragmented" to you. But it's certainly clear your blind attitude is effecting what should be and isn't an appropriate response. Because telling someone "they shouldn't join if they can't take (unexplained) blanket statements" so arrogantly. When I already replied with "I wish you luck in future, and I'll be abstaining from joining" already points this out. It's like going out of your way to fire someone that already graciously quit. <.<