"A true enough fact." Alice agreed, unsure if she misjudged the man or not. Was he the threat she felt or were these warning clamoring from something else? The tailor felt uneasy as she began to question if this entire masquerade ball was such a good idea. Perhaps it would be best to just wait out the years in grieving sorrow for her former life til she could pick it up again? Nevermind that such a wait would potentially kill her. "Though I would argue that I am not generalizing as I have met a few decent people since. Rather I've just become more careful." She gave the man a apologetic smile as she took a step back into the dance (not stepping upon his abused feet) to lead them amongst the dancers once more. So his name was Alex Crawford? "A realtor? How lovely, so tell me... Any properties you might try to get me to buy whilst we chat?" Alice diverted the conversation from her issue. Not wanting him to ask what exactly the bastard had done. After all, how exactly did one discuss turning into a vampire because you made a man a coat and then went to dinner with him? It wasn't done. Remembering herself, the small tailor added in the name she had been using this night. "Mary Alice Jones." At least she hoped that was the name, why on earth did she have to use such a strange and long one?! "I work- well worked- as a business woman."