Elizabeth didn't say anything about her brother. There were,abundantly,facts apperent of him, of course. Though as truths went, those served to offer no explanation.Sometimes a truth can't or perhaps shouldn't be a statement, not when the experience is what you look for when words have made you lost. " Everything is not okay. But everything will be okay; time will change me so that I am not quickened and so that I don't think questions such as what is and isn't?" She replied with an honesty that did not betray her prior commitments. It was Elizabeth who opened the passenger door, and it was she who also began loading Chloe's luggage into the car. Hank helped a little later, realizing that it wasn't just Chloe and him standing across from one another. Lunging for a bag, Hank by chance revealed bite marks as his leg was exposed for a second. Though he displayed no discoloration, a sign of infection, the bites were deep but at the same time the wounds were not wide enough to scream animal. However, then he turned to her. " We wish to be gracious hosts," he said to explain his action. Hank's tone was uncertain compared to how he previously spoke to his sister. Now that he was done snapping pictures, his hands fidgeting, took happy refuge clasping Chloe's hand. His hands, too, were abused; bruised not like dealt in construction or beatings, but in killings where wounds were reflected upon him. With long pants and long sleeves, Hank thought that all was covered, yet there was still more to see. He continued. " My name is Hank. You'll have to forgive Elizabeth for not mentioning me earlier. And to remedy that, I'll give you my grace. I'll call you Clo. She wont, and that won't change. She's good if you want to talk things out, hell, she might talk forever; however, of that infinity of things she could say, there are some things she won't ever say. Come to me if you want to hear that, or if you don't just want to hear, but feel that. And, if you are ready, we may go?"