The man chuckled as he gave in to the flow of the dance once more, saying,"No Miss Jones, no properties for sale tonight, tonight I'm just here to enjoy myself and the company of others." He looked around quickly once more and then returned those shimmering blue eyes once more to Alice, saying,"A businesswoman, eh? Tell me Madam Jones, what kind of a business? At first guess I would probably say a bookstore or a bakery. Am I right?" The band mellowed out the tune some, returning it to a somewhat upbeat yet calmly influenced tune, in which the flutist lead the way through the song. Nearby, at the bar, Dalton and Thomas stood arms crossed as they watched Alice and the man in white dance. "We have to get them alone." Insisted Thomas. "After her mask is removed." Dalton reminded. Thomas nodded grimly before suddenly jerking up his right wrist followed by a snap of his fingers,"I have an idea." He said.