"I'm Hyun Tae Young," Min Ho replied dryly without any effort to conceal his deception. When the situation warranted it he could be convincing and enthusiastic about an alias. In this particular case, however, he was stating only what was absolutely required by direct imperial orders. Toeing the line was not a new concept to the assassin. His profession required a great deal of improvisation and latitude that was not afforded to others; the trust that was instilled in him was rewarded by results and unwavering fealty. So long as Solae and Rene were not privy to his history of classified assignments and his true identity there would be no formal reprimand. Min Ho and Oanh had been put to pasture but they were far from forgotten or dismissed as irrelevant- people with their skills were assets and liability that the Stellar Empire could not afford to purge from their memory. "You can call me Oanh," she replied pleasantly. Technically on New Concordia she was 'Oahn Young' instead of 'Oanh Park,' but she had not bothered to change her given name. A request had been made during their debriefing to civilian life but she had tacitly refused. There was more than one Oanh in the universe (no pun intended) and her records were so highly confidential she did not believe that anyone could connect the dots even if they wished to. On the operations she was most involved with she had used an alias then; hell, her real name had been used less than any of her pseudonyms. "I think what you mean to ask is what we are. Unofficially that's classified," he grunted as he leaned against a wall and kept an eye on a window across the room that faced the street. It was still outside; the local populace had learned their lesson. No one ventured out from his abode but they did not tolerate looters either. Min Ho and Oanh's neighbors considered them 'inhospitable shut ins.' "But in a past life we pledged ourselves to a certain interstellar form of government," Oanh said with a wink. Placing her hands on her hips she continued. "It's too dangerous to keep you here more than a couple days, but we can make sure you have some supplies before you venture out there again." Min Ho rolled his eyes at how much his wife was divulging. Had the pair made any real imposition he might have objected at two days instead of a singular suggestion- but even Duke Tan couldn't pry open their files. He wouldn't know how to. As far as he and his wife were concerned no one could or would know they had hid the couple. "And who are you?" Min Ho gestured to Rene. "Are you wearing men's clothes?" Oanh interrupted. Solae had gone mute since entering the home. Being among not one, not two, but three heavily armed individuals with raw efficacy in combat was humbling. Before the initial strikes of the rebellion she had very limited contact with the military. Most of her socialization was with fragile noble ladies or gentlemen who exercised for the sake of vanity (if they did not use technology to stimulate musculature). None had the raw efficacy of her current company who could, in their own right, take down small companies of local militia with little struggle. Rene had taken on three when he had rescued her. Solae wagered that Oanh and Min Ho were just as, if not more, deadly. "Oh, yes," she replied hesitantly as she glanced down at her attire. "My clothes were ruined with..," Solae started to explain. A lump formed in her throat and she fought to finish with a smooth tone. "They were ruined at the Imperial Embassy. The manor we found was owned by a bachelor." "We're not the same size but I am sure I can find you something a better fit than that," Oanh said as she visually determined rough estimates for the marquise's figure. "Hyun Tae, can you show Rene the room downstairs so he can put down his pack?" She didn't wait for a response before taking Solae's arm in a vaguely romantic manner and escorting her to the master bedroom where her wardrobe was kept.