[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjAwMDAwMC5SV3g1YzJsaC4w/codec.cold-trial-regular.png[/img] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/4/48/Tree_Symbol.svg/revision/latest?cb=20130812000049[/img] [i]10:20 AM - The Terminal[/i] [@Kalas][@Ganryu][@Glitchybugger][@Kheliop] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRfGG9XxJ3Y[/youtube][/center] [hr] The team was deep underground, disconnected from the world they knew and plunged into one shrouded in mystery. The sense of dread they felt could only be accompanied by a sensation of absolute loneliness as they realized just how advanced some of this architecture and technology truly was. It would then leave some to think as to why they've never met a civilization beyond those of the Shinobi World when they had all of this before them. Surely a single man with maybe a few goons couldn't have just made this on their own, even with all the time in the world. The Iwa duo was more keen on keeping a lookout, with a fixation dedicated to this odd hole. The hole itself led to nothing but more depths, as the railway access was indeed cut-off by a wall of stone and metal. The kind they had as much change shoving off as destroying the other doors that blocked the tracks' passage. The terminal itself was dark, only illuminated by the blue beacons surrounding the area. A type of low-energy lightning that could last for a while, given the lack of prove of any recent activity. Miyu was the one to go full Carpe Diem, which would yield some benefits. Notably, a high-pitched buzzing sound accompanied by sudden flashes of light. Each train had 'activated', with previously dark, metal surfaces of the machines now lightning up in the shape of two oddly curved 'S' shapes with a triangle set on the top right-hand corner. Essentially the image at the top of this post. All of them had the same insignia. [i][b]E L Y S I A[/b][/i] Was what the screen displayed upon selecting the 'Return' option and activating the transport. The characters were still somewhat foreign but that specific term was very much in realms of Miyu's understanding. Though, with such a great breakthrough, there had to be something going on here. It would come under the form of yet another earthquake, though this one was not only violent, but actually presented a threat to each individual present. The rumbling was violent enough to make almost anyone that hadn't immediately activated their feet-chakra jutsu to lose their footing. Dust quickly accumulated in the area and easily drowned the whole terminal in a storm of thick sand and dust. All the while, the seismic activity didn't cease. It actually became stronger, and louder. Until they could hear what resembled an explosion, though without any sort of knock back or fire to be seen. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wyzsr0I.png[/img][/center] A giant, blue light aimed directly toward the control room's glass seemed to fixate Miyu in particular, even though it could easily encompass all others nearby. The dust and sand in the air as well as a very sudden accumulation of steam and smoke shrouded the source of the light. Before they could make a run of it or charge at it, however, the suspended control room would seem to be compressed in its center, as would a soda can, by a pair of metallic, black claws. Miyu was separated from the Iwa duo who covered the room's exit. [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/05AVwOMNjaE[/youtube][/center] Whatever prompted that light seemed to have quite a hold on the supervision, glass room as it would seem to crush it further every half-second it held onto the room. Though, that would matter little as the behemoth mystery-creature would quickly rip the room off the ceiling and crash it down to the floor like a hammer. The impact itself would be enough to cause the metal and stone flooring to fissure and shatter. Had the Iwa duo either hopped back into the room to avoid being crushed or jumped off at the last minute, they'd find themselves landing in a level under the station. Had they remained inside, the surrounding glass would have given out and allowed for an escape anyway. There was a room under the row of tracks the room had crashed against, with a very thin ceiling, which explained why the control room hadn't simply been flattened upon impact. The Iwa duo found themselves in a somewhat lit room, with dust still reining above them. They could see clearly here. What they would find would be a set of three large cases and a few sealed lockers. Each case held a few combat-oriented tools: -The first held three arrow-like projectiles. The ends were dull and blue. -A set of three spherical items, blue as well. They had a peculiar 'timer' on them. -A pair of light-blue gloves, layers are relatively thin. Each element didn't have any sort of instructions nor were they intuitive whatsoever. They were also attached to the cases, requiring active effort to remove them. Effort they'd barely have enough time for as stone and metal from the big hole from before was ready to befall them. As for Miyu, well, she couldn't access the lower levels, given how the control room was squeezed and crushed into two new rooms. The glass around the room had shattered completely, allowing her to feel the absurd amount of heat emitted from whatever generated the huge, blue light. The claw that had seized the room had since released its grip, and instead sought to penetrate through the upper-area of the room and grab a hold of Miyu. Given how its movements were imprecise and struggling to push against the remaining metallic window frames, it'd be possible that the smoke, dust and steam blurred its vision as well, giving an opportunity for Miyu. Kinzo, on his end, given his position ambiguous, could see the thing from the outside. Or rather, the giant silhouette concealed in the dark and dust. The heat around it made its body almost like a mirage. But it was big, and somewhat humanoid-like with only its upper body pushing out of the ground due to the size of the room. It had two arms, one being the dual claws that had been frequently using, while the other resembled some sort of cone. A drill, perhaps? It was occupied with the broken off control room and grabbing Miyu, giving Kinzo the most options in deal with the situation.