[center][color=orangered][h2]The Midnight Tournament, Penultimate Round[/h2][/color][/center] It wasn't long, without the heat of battle clouding their senses, that the group felt eyes on them. Lots of eyes. A half circle of faces watched from what they felt was a safe distance. No one was watching the matches anymore. The match that was happening right now was completely ignored in favor of the spectacle that had been laid out before them. There were a few cheers, some boos, but most of all a whispered muttering among them about what exactly had gone on. They'd cottoned to the fact that this was more serious than some unscheduled match, even if some of them were collecting on some hastily made bets. Rumors swirled. A bet gone bad? A fight over a girl? That supposed demon lady from before, maybe? And someone had died, hadn't they? That's what a few of them had claimed as they'd tried to make a causal exit, this not being the sort of fun they'd singed on for tonight, but the majority simply looked on with interest wondering if violence was about to erupt again. [@AtomicNut][@Letter Bee][@Bartimaeus][@KillamriX88][@Crowvette][@Scarifar]