[quote=@HenryJonesJr] [color=SlateBlue]"So nice of you to make it, Tony,"[/color] Captain America responded to the other Avenger sarcastically. [color=SlateBlue]"Just like you to show up after all the work's done. Spider-Man, me, and, uh, a duck took care of Sandman, but he was just a distraction. Might as well swing by Times Square. This may just be phase one."[/color] [/quote] [color=ed1c24][b]"So, we're just... gonna go ahead and pretend the duck being here and manipulating the will to dance was normal. That's good. I'm good with that."[/b][/color] The irony is hardly lost on me as I look down to brush some sand off of my bright red and blue skintight bodysuit covered in webs whilst I walk towards the man literally dressed like the product of a one night stand with Uncle Sam and a Bald Eagle. But I, of course, keep that observation to myself. I mean, I do what I can to help out now and again, but it never gets lost on me that this is [i]Captain freakin' America[/i]. Leader of The Avengers! Biggest hero of World War II! The man who punched Adolf Hitler in the face over 200 times! Though I'm still wondering how the heck that last one's even possible, but who cares? Captain. America. And he thanked me! He actually touched my shoulder and thanked me! MJ would literally kill to be my shoulder right now! See, this is why I keep these thoughts at an internal volume at all times. Because that last thought was just admittedly weird. [b][color=ed1c24]"Uh, so."[/color][/b], I begin, clearing my throat and trying to sound the least like the weenie that I truly am. [color=ed1c24][b]"Sandy's clearly not going to be a problem anymore if SHIELD has a hold on him. I mean, if they can hold him. Not that I don't have any faith in SHIELD, I mean, I don't..."[/b][/color] I nervously laugh. [color=ed1c24][b]"Hoo, boy. Deep breaths, Spidey." [/b][/color] Looking back at a clearly confused Cap, I shrug. [b][color=ed1c24]"What I'm trying to say is, um, I'm sure it'll be fine. You and the big guns'll probably have the guy that hired Sandman in custody by dinner. And while I'd love to stay and help clean things up, chances are that if I stick around any longer, some idiot with a camera is gonna send footage of me being here to the Bugle and I'm going to end up being blamed for all of this. Especially given that Marko and I are usually tussling mano-a-mano. So... we done, here? Uh, sir?"[/color][/b] I don't think awkward begins to cover the spectrum of emotions that I just experienced in that one sentence. Also, the duck is still here and I'm still trying to get ahold of myself. His name [i]is[/i] Harold, right?