[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Tq4R0Ekh30JKo/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [quote][b]To: Guin Stark[/b] [color=yellow][i]Don't worry about it Guin, I'll be back in class in a few minutes once my head stops pounding... Don't worry about it, alright? I'm fine... I don't even really know the names of the kids anyway...[/i][/color][/quote] The fact that Guin sounded like she wanted to beat the kids up made him feel a little better. Though he did not want Guin to get into trouble just because of him. He wasn't lying though, he didn't actually know the names of the ones who had beat him up or anything, he never knew their names. This wasn't the first time something like that had happened to him, but this time it was more obvious, as the injuries were on his face, and visible to others. "Hello Dr. Banner, I am the nurse at your son's school, and there was an incident that resulted in Lance getting several injuries," she said into the phone, and Lance rolled his eyes at her. [color=yellow]"The injuries weren't that bad, just a black eye and bloody nose... Look, I feel better can I head back to class now? Honest, I feel better,"[/color] Lance said, loud enough for Banner to be able to hear him on the other end of the phone as he started to stand up. "No, you are to sit still, and your nose started bleeding again, not to mention the bruises, now, sit down and put that ice pack back to your head," she replied, handing him a paper towel for his nose. Her voice was muffled to Banner, as she tried to cover the receiver with one hand as she spoke to Lance.