[@Crimson Raven] Level - ... Could you make it 5? You'll still be far stronger than those around you. Hah. Equipment - You're currently saying it's long range, but it's not [i]that[/i] long, but... Eh. It's fine. Heh. Ability - Nah, she can fly freely in human form. I just examined the in-game sprites, hah, those wings can be large. Anyways, yeah. We know you're fast. That's fine. Size - Well. Looking at the in-game sprites, it's standing on an angle to just fit into the stage. It looks to be about two adult humans tall to the tip of the back (taller if the dragon's head is raised), and twice or more that long, in addition to quite wide, and that's not even counting the wings. That is definitely larger than wyverns, even if you are a bit smaller. Weakness - Nice. Weapon Mastery - Sure. That's an amusing idea. We can go with that. It might mean I'll be a bit punishing towards you in the beginning, though, heh.