CS is still heavily WIP. [hider=Wip] Character Sheet: Name: Aya Fumiko Nicknames: Doc, Fumi. Villain Name: Flatline Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: Aya is conventionally attractive, having a shapely figure, a pretty face and thick silky hair. The colour of her eyes and hair are almost identical both being a lighter brown, the hair only being the slightest bit darker. She's also strikingly tall being just shy of 6'1 at 183.78cms tall, and weighs 72.36kgs or 159.5lbs. Her villain costume is just a simple doctors mask, she did wear a nurses outfit on her first few outings but found it too provocative, not to mention drafty. Now she remains in her business suit at all times. [centre][hider=not impressed] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/youkoso-jitsuryoku-shijou-shugi-no-kyoushitsu-e/images/4/43/Sae_Chabashira_LN_visual.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/246?cb=20170901064533[/img] [/hider][/centre] -- Weapons: Aya carries some medical equipment that could be used to harm someone, but if they are that close she'd be better off using her quirk. Hero(Villain) Equipment: As stated above Aya carries a set of medical equipment. It consists of things you would expect, like antibacterial spray, bandages, a scalpel and some basic painkillers among things. She also has some extra face masks on hand encase they are needed. -- Combat Section: Strength: Aya is primarily a medic, but if the situation calls for it she can inflict massive amounts of damage or even kill a single unarmored target very quickly. But she can only do this at point blank range, and would struggle with more than one enemy at a time. Endurance: Aya is about as frail as you'd expect her to be. But if you knock her down you better make sure she stays down, given her quirk assisting her in recovering from minor and moderate wounds quickly. Willpower: Aya has a strong head on her shoulders, not being swayed easily unless it orders from her superiors or her close friends. She will remain focused on the takes at hand and try to get it done to the best of her ability. Speed: Only wears heels while off the job, she makes sure to wear runners and a sports bra. Aya is concerned about being able to run effectively when on the job over dress code. She is faster than she looks having the speed to outrun slower people, but she isn't going to be out running any seasoned sprinters. Reaction Speed: Aya has a quick reaction time, acting upon information very quickly. This leads to her being able to dodge a punch or two, but she isn't going to be avoiding any close range bullets. -- Quirk Section: Name of Quirk: Contort. Ability of Quirk: Contort lets Aya control the muscles of individuals she remains in skin contact with. Qualities of Quirk: Her control lets her stiffen someones muscles to the point where they cannot move, or make them so loose the person simply collapses onto the floor, completely limp. She can also tear and mend muscles to a limited degree, helping her to inflict extreme pain onto someone or to help patch up wounds. She can control select groups of muscle, not having to manipulate someone in their entirety. Strengths of Quirk: Aya's quirks main strengths come in it's ability to stop enemies in there tracks (Sometimes permanently), while also providing her with the ability to heal the wounds sustained by her allies, much faster and more effectively than normal. But if she so wished she could attack someones heart with her power. Weaknesses of Quirk: The primary weakness of her quirk is the fact that she has to get in close enough to touch you, and requires maintained direct skin contact. The second she's no longer touching your flesh, her control stops. Limits of Quirk: Her power isn't limited to the strength of the muscle she's controlling, and example being she could manipulate the muscles of a rhino just as easily as that of a human. But the kinds of muscle are the factor that limit her powers. Skeletal muscle is the one she has complete control over, anything attached directly to a bone is her plaything. She can fiddle with your cardiac muscles well enough to be a threat to your heart and lungs, but she can hardly move smooth muscle at all, leaving things like your stomach mostly safe from her influence. ---- Biography: Aya joined the dark tree right after getting the majority of her qualifications as a surgeon, her quirk allowing her a much greater understanding of the human body. She had intended to work in a hospital, but upon working as a surgeon for a short time she didn't feel it was for her. She enjoyed cutting people open and all that, but she honestly didn't care about any of the people she was saving. Add on that she wasn't allowed to use her quirk, and she felt like her talents were being underutilized, she knew she could to so much more. She's been with the dark tree for two years now, and has come to care for her new family. Personality: Aya is a very loyal woman who respect authority. She shows great respect towards her superiors, generally being a obedient member. To the non higher ups she's more sociable, not afraid to put someone in their place if the ill her, or to roast someone if she feels it would be funny. She might come off as a little bit mean at times, but it is without question that she cares deeply for her new family, willing to sacrifice a great deal for them. ---- Other: Aya has a strange affinity for scorpions, spiders and all the other creepy crawly things. [/hider]