I guess since the other digimon rp is no more I'll sign up in this one. No crest of Kindness? Edit, since kindness is taken switching to light. [hider=Carver Walker]Name: Carver Walker Nationality: English Appearance & Physical Attributes/Picture: [center] [hider=Appearance][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/narutooriginals/images/8/88/24%2816%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20130901172223[/img][/hider][/center] Age & Birth Date: 17 July, 14th 1984 Trait: Light Hobbies & Skills: Hobbies: Gaming Exploring Skills: Cooking Hunting/Tracking skills Fighting Digimon Partner: [hider=Monodramon][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/e/e7/Monodramon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090130133412[/img][/hider] [hider=Airdramon][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/9/96/Airdramon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080929150117[/img][/hider] [hider=MetalGreymon(Virus)][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/nintendo/images/c/ca/MetalGreymon_%28Virus%29.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140426195037&path-prefix=en[/img][/hider] Black WarGreymon [hider=Black WarGreymon][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/4/48/Digimon_Black_Wargreymon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090701031650[/img][/hider] Quote & Personality: "Might not be the best, but I will never admit to it" Carver has a few personality traits easily excited, pretty cocky and arrogant when he is in a place of competition, friendly, and very competitive. Carver likes exploring although he has a lousy sense of direction. He can get lost easily or lose his way if he is leading the way anywhere. Even if he has a map he gets lost a lot. Carver is a bit of a hot head in the heat of competitions and will work hard to win even the smallest of competitions. Always wants to win and hates to lose. He is a friendly person though out side of competing for anything. Bio: Carver is the youngest out of two children. He was the least popular one of his family. Often was found exploring woods and playing games and what not. His brother being three years older he was popular a local sports star in the town he is from. Carver was just his kid brother. His father was survivalist nut and since Carver wasnt big in sports he taught his other son how to survive. How to track animals, how to generally take care of himself if he wasnt in normal civilization. Carver was always trying to be better than his brother in every way that didnt deal with sports so he listened and tried to get all the skills his father taught him. His father John was a military man who got discharged for disability, and he got into being a survivalist after he was discharged from the military. Not one for settling down peacefully decided to be come more of a person who prefers the forest. He only was able to teach one of his sons because Carver wasnt big on sports and his brother was. His brother, Stan played multiple sports and was always getting more opportunities to do things then his brother. Carver was a bit jealous of his brother and all the attention he has gotten. Carver always did as his father told him because of this trying to be the 'better' son. Stan was more known for baseball but he played all kinds of sports but he was known for playing baseball. He was rather decent at it is why he is the town star athlete. Carver wasnt he was just rather unknown to most of the town they live in. While the town celebrates the success of Carver's brother Carver has never done anything of importance. [/hider]