To say the disassembly of the spell that had been inflicted on the Earl was easy would be wrong. To say it was difficult, however... It seemed like the sigil was coming apart far, far easier then expected, given the power behind it, the nature of the spell itself, and how long it had been inflicted. It was almost as if it had been [i]made[/i] with the knowledge that it would be taken apart... As if its chief purpose was perhaps less to do with obfuscating the Earl's ability to see anything related to battle and more to simply provide a distraction and delay for anyone who appeared to help. That being said, it was difficult to discern the motivation of someone who they hadn't even seen yet. The Earl himself groaned, clutching at the side of his head. "... I'm being patient, but whatever you're doing is causing me a wicked headache," he complained, "Is there any point to thi..." He trailed off. After a few moments, he shut and closed his eyed, blinking. "Earl Achter?" Fanilly asked, stepping forward with some level of hope. As the sigil was steadily coming apart, she was hoping, wishing that the attempt to deconstruct it was working. "I... see... I don't know, everything is far too blurry, and this pain in my skull is growing unbearable," the Earl responded, wincing. Fanilly winced as well. Was it possible the spell wasn't working as well as it seemed? The blonde knight couldn't truly ask Cymbeline, not when she was concerned about interrupting the countermeasures the half-nem mage was putting into play. Fanilly didn't know particularly much about magic, but she knew that it required focus when it came to such delicate things. After what seemed like forever, the last portions of the symbol on the Earl's forehead suddenly seemed to crack, before drifting away from his skin, dissipating into the air. It was at this moment that the Earl slumped weakly into his seat. "Earl Achter?!" Fanilly rushed to his side, and was relieved to see his eyes flutter back open... and then... "Ugh... my head... ah...?" He stared at the Knight-Captain's armor. "Where... did all that blood come from...? Captain Danbalion...?" [hr] Klaus's investigation turned up... nothing at all. There wasn't anything amiss whatsoever. It was possible the little girl had simply gone back into town, scared of the crystal. [@Crusader Lord][@Crimson Paladin][@TheFake][@Raineh Daze][@Noodles][@PKMNB0Y]