Riza seemed to agree with Strange on this. She didnt think about the door ehich made her bonk herself lightly on the head. Listening to what they were discussing, soon let them do what was needed since she couldnt do anything. She was meant to be the guide. Though nice to see that this mindscape was based on both worlds. Riza flinched and winced as she touched her chest, just over the arc reactor. [i]'Damn....seems im pushing it a little. We need to hurry before this gets worse.'[/i] she quickly masked the pain she was feeling and lowers her hand. "May want to hurry. We're running on a time clock." On the other side, Riza's pain however isnt masked and not only flinches but starts to curl in on herself a bit too as if to protect her chest. Conner looked concerned. "Whats going on in there?"