Even with Lunise's encouragement, the look of uncertainty did not leave Meesei's face. "Perhaps that is true, but it is difficult to judge. I highly doubt she revealed anything accidentally, which means she meant for us to know all of it. I feel like she told us just enough about a few topics to pique my interest, but not enough to really learn anything meaningful. I feel we just learned a collection of surface details about her favorite topics. Meesei closed her eyes and let out a breath. "But you are probably right. Perhaps we should just focus on what is tangible. She gave us a potentially accurate version of her history, dating back to the days of Alessia. It could be a lie, but her knowledge of the Dwemer gives it credibility. Gaining knowledge of CHIM from Molag Bal, her massive ego...it does all fit together. As for what we can do with this knowledge...that I am not sure. Little of what she said is actually practical in the moment. I suppose becoming a god [i]would[/i] make it much easier to deal with Vile, but I doubt that is a possibility. I suppose I can instruct any curious blacksmiths to stop any efforts to reproduce Dwemer metal. If it was created with tonal manipulation, then there is not much point in bothering to experiment with alloys. Beyond that, we can just press on and try to deal with all of the other problems bearing down on us. I will need to fight the Thalmor's champions...when is it? Tomorrow? The day after? There is still much to worry about in addition to that vampire. Hopefully it will not take too long to defeat them all."