I can't say that I'm surprised, but I [i]am[/i] amused. Who would have thunk that when you shit on nuclear deals, other countries that you want deals with might tell you to fuck off? This administration acts without consideration or regard for the consequences their actions might have on a greater scale. That goes without saying, since we have a fuckin' circus act running the country -- I just want to highlight how incompetent these people are. Our word doesn't mean shit, and having people like Bolton in the administration does not help our credibility or trustworthiness. Remember all the Trump supporters who said NK's change of attitude was due to how tough Trump was being? Turns out NK didn't appreciate his chest-pounding, after all. Who woulda fuckin' thunk. Man, I really want peace to happen. But I would be lying if I said it didn't amuse me to see Donny's supporters be wrong about basically everything they said.