[quote=@Pepperm1nts] [b]Back in June,[/b] Politifact did a breakdown that I thought was pretty fair. It highlights some small infractions by Iran, but shows that for the most part Iran has been compliant. Bear in mind this article is old. http://www.politifact.com/georgia/statements/2017/jun/14/karen-handel/iran-complying-nuclear-deal-yes-small-hiccups/ In short, the infractions Iran has committed are so small and technical, that it would be a reach to say they violated the deal. [/quote] Um.... [url=http://www.businessinsider.com/how-did-mossad-steal-thousands-of-nuclear-documents-from-iran-2018-5]You may be out of date.[/url] But it doesn't really make a difference -- they could've followed the agreement to the T and had nukes by.... what was it 2025? I don't remember what the deal said exactly. It was a shit deal.