[@mdk] From Israel. Because, you know, they're trustworthy on this issue. /s Furthermore, the information Israel presented is old. Like, really old. From 2003 to 2004 when Iran was building a spherical weapon of some sort. Development of the weapon ended in 2004 and there is no evidence that they have continued development. It might be a hint to how useless and outdated the information is, that none of what Israel presented is relevant passed 2004. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2018/may/08/trump-withdrew-us-iran-nuclear-deal-heres-what-you/ [quote]The accurate part is that Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu presented a trove of Iranian documents. What’s less accurate is that those documents added much to what the international community had known for some time. In 2008, notes of a Vienna briefing on Iran by the chief inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency leaked out. In a summary posted online, the briefing provided diagrams and documents on the development of a "spherical device," high-explosives testing and missile launch sequences, including an explosion at 600 meters. The notes said that "elements available to the Agency are not consistent with any application other than the development of a nuclear weapon." However, the briefing notes said the activities continued only into January 2004. Netanyahu’s presentation, based on documents taken from a warehouse in Tehran by Israeli spies, also exhibited a spherical device and work done on high power explosives. He did not describe activities after 2003. So, much of what Netanyahu offered was already known.[/quote] You can't knock an article from a few months ago by presenting evidence of a project from [i]2003[/i]. C'mon, bruh. Even the article you posted mentions that the documents are useless and outdated. --- I think it was a good deal, but regardless of what you think, a deal is a deal. When you break deals you hurt our credibility and our standing. It is not the least bit surprising that North Korea is having second thoughts. Not to mention we had [i]a[/i] deal before. Now we have nothing.