Ahahaha, believe me it took SO much fiddling to get it to run (and it still crashes sometimes during cutscenes RIP xD) - about a week of messing with every setting imaginable and threatening to smash it with a hammer multiple times finally got it to give in LOL Still, cannot WAIT for Project Aperion to launch though, it's gonna be so great ;w; Oh man, if we ever managed to do that and make it into a novel or something I think I would cry, it'd be the most amazing thing XD Sounds good, I shall look forward to it! Has been a while since I worked with Revan, this is going to be super interesting too O.O I'm somehow envisioning Meetra sensing something being up with Yerbol's Force connection too? I could be wrong here but I get a sense that he's not quite as kosher as he keeps trying to convince himself he is XD Boy am I excited for this chapter, it might be the best one to date o: *uncontrollable fangirly flailing* I've been chugging apple juice and vitamins like no tomorrow since I got back home, so fingers crossed, I've escaped! XD As for where to get them to, well, perhaps either approaching or entering the academy Traya/Kreia left there? it HAS been a while since I played through the Malachor levels so some of the ideas might be botch and/or impossible but I'll fling em out here so we can spitball them XD: -So, I'm not 100% sure if there WERE any on the Malachor levels, but I figured it would make sense since they feed off devastation/destruction in the Force and so forth, so I figured perhaps they could run into a few Hssiss on their search. I believe there was some sort of tunnel system that was created around some of the ship debris or something, again not 100% sure XD -Following on from that, pretty sure there was some sort of device in one of the systems that had been left there by Bao Dur which they had to disable at the end of KOTOR II? I thought perhaps they could encounter said device and somehow experience some sort of flashback to that event which would give them a clue as to who they were going after? - OR, there's also Traya's academy that would be ripe for expoloring and probably filled with Dark Side energy that could point them in the direction which Meetra went in order to pursue Revan? Obviously, they can't explore Korriban anymore since...we blew it up like 3 in-timeline years ago (or however long its been...possibly longer? bwahaha) XD but I imagine even Revan would've visited Malachor on his way past before he left Known Space? -Slightly cliche and a bit R2-D2-original-trilogy ish, but a possibility for T3-M4 to have been left behind with some sort of archive or co-ordinate map as to where they went in case someone capable came along to look for them? It was kinda implied that Meetra left Viszas behind after the end of KOTOR II to "guide" others after her and Revan to help them, but not so sure any of those party members would still be alive? I don't think they were meant to be as powerful as Revan or Meetra so I'm not sure if even the Force could extend their lifespan that long? The only original party member I could theorise would definitely still be alive (although pretty old by this point) would be Zaalbar? (Thoughts, of course, always appreciated XD) -Was also tossing around the ideas, but albeit for later after they've ACTUALLY found Meetra and Revan, of Zaalbar (for abovementioned reasons) and/or HK-47 (because come on, he's a combat droid, he'd be useful to them in their adventures, plus he's absolutely hilarious and I love his crude sense of humour XD) having accompanied the duo on their journey...it was kind of implied that they didn't take anybody else with them but I can see HK at least somehow convincing them that he would be an asset and being a droid he's far less vulnerable than "some organic meatbag"? :P That's everything I've got for now...bit of a text wall so I apologise D: but I plan on firing up the RCM version of KOTOR II and going to town since I bet it's full of ideas we could use for this chapter of our tale O___O (good old Kreia and her sardonic advice! XD) so I'm sure there will be a bunch more ideas for us to throw around later as we progress too! aha