[color=8882be][b][h3]Galbrek[/h3][/b][/color] [b][color=8882be]"You insolent old wench!"[/color][/b] He watched as the woman had sent some chains going after him. [i][color=8882be]I am the damn puppeteer running this show, don't take me lightly you damn spectator![/color][/i] He flung himself up on the roof and then shot strings to grab unto the incoming chains that were aimed at him, using his strings he would twist and bend them to cause the chains to miss him. Instead causing them to crash into the building itself. Galbrek then ran across the roof and shoot his strings to another roof and kept running, throwing glances over his shoulder to make sure none was following him. [i][color=8882be]Someone is going to die for this.[/color][/i] [i][color=fff200]In the car with the crossdresser...[/color][/i] Celine sat in silence as she listened to Celestine. This person surely talks alot, more than anyone she had ever met. An ally to -him-. While he doesn't seem to be fond of my creator, he does seem full of himself. Then the person had removed the mask, the face was not horrid nor was it decorated with the same smirk as her creator. This guy wants me to switch sides to join him, but he is surely about as bad as lord Galbrek. The same arrogance. The same kind of words as far as she could tell. Right now however, it came at a good opportunity. She could play on both sides and whomever come out the winner in the end she could join. Then the thought came to her. What if there was no winner? [i][color=7bcdc8]"If" is good.[/color][/i] Just as she had begun to ponder on that the person told her to take a particular note which he handed over. A number for a phone. With it she could call for reinforcements? It was a useful weapon to have. Would things go either way. Would her master try dispose of her she could call him for aid, and in the same sense she could use this knowledge and note as proof to her master would that choice seem a better one. Celine looked to Celestine. [color=7bcdc8]"I will keep that in mind."[/color] She said in a reserved and somewhat prideful manner. She felt like she had to do her best to display strength, despite knowing fully well her powers had left her and she now only had one arm left to fight with. Then came the memory of Bertrand during their earliest days, when they had sparred and tested fighting each other. [color=7bcdc8]"You only need legs and good boots to kick ass!"[/color] Was what he had said. Celine had a slight upturn form at the corner of her mouth. [color=7bcdc8]"Thank you."[/color] [i][color=fff200]Outside the hideout Charlie[/color][/i] [b][color=8882be]"Tch... fucking mental bitch. Now I have to go get some dental treatment..."[/color][/b] Galbrek grabbed and felt his cheek and poked the hole in the back of his mouth where one of his teeth had been before. He had lost one of his chewing type of teeth. The half-demon had kept running and moving from roof to roof, to try loose any potential pursuers. But now he had arrived to the hideout, he threw some narrowed eyed glances around before approaching the old wooden door and opening it with a key he carried in his pocket. He slipped inside and looked around at the first room which was more like a cover for what was deeper into the building. He marsched into the room where two of his remaining dolls were waiting. Adam and Darla. [color=7bcdc8]"Master Galbrek! What has happ-"[/color] Adam was the first to speak up while both he and Darla turned to look at their master, bruised and having a trail of blood along the corner of his mouth. [b][color=8882be]"What does it fucking look like?!"[/color][/b] Galbrek raised his hand and backhanded Adam across the face, causing the tall doll to stumble back and against a wall. He didn't retaliate but he was surprised and knew that this was a good time to shut up. Galbrek breathed heavily and then reached for an unopened wine bottle on the table. He didn't care about the legal drinking limit, he was a demon. They were chaotic in nature, ofcourse he would break laws where it suited him. He took a swig from the bottle and then spit the contents into an mug. He wanted to wash away the taste of blood in his mouth, it was something new to him. Something he didn't want to ever feel again. It was so humiliating. [i][color=8882be]To think a bunch of half-witted mortals wounded me like this.[/color][/i] He tightened his hand into a fist and set his narrowed eyes on Darla. [b][color=8882be]"Darla!"[/color][/b] Galbrek yelled out and stepped closer to the shorter doll who flinched and widened her eyes in shock and fear. [color=7bcdc8]"Y-yes! Master Ga-"[/color] Darla was interupted before she could speak her full sentence, her master was impatient and angry. The half-demon took a few deep breaths and tried to collect himself. [b][color=8882be]"Darla."[/color][/b] He said sternly before continuing, now starting to speak very calmly but still with obvious anger in his voice. [b][color=8882be]"How come you three failed to do what I asked? How could it happen? What were the names of those involved? Answer me this..."[/color][/b] He set his demonic eyes on the short doll who was trembling and her lips shaking, trying to speak back. [color=7bcdc8]"T-th- there were others! They s-saw us!"[/color] Darla answered in a panicked way, fidgeting with her remaining hand at her shirt. [b][color=8882be]"Who saw you? Answer me!"[/color][/b] Galbrek yelled out and took a step closer to eye her down. [color=7bcdc8]"Some girl... that boy William... uhm.. the boy who protect him and Wolf. His name was Wolf! T-that's what s-she s-s-s-said..."[/color] Darla looked to Adam for a moment and then back to her creator. Galbrek stepped back and adjusted his posture, placing one of his hands at his waist and the other under his chin. [b][color=8882be]"Wolf? I will find out just who that is and make sure he will never meddle in my affairs ever again."[/color][/b] The half-demon spoke out loud, both of his dolls following his movements within the room. [color=7bcdc8]"M-master.. I..I tried to do it. We really tried to... you have to believe me. P-please forgive us master Galbrek!"[/color] Darla said in a loud but now confident tone. Galbrek raised an eyebrow in reply and walked up to Darla, lifting one hand under her chin to look into her eyes. [b][color=8882be]"Yes... I believe you, Darla." [/color][/b] Darla's face began to lighten up. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh.. master.. I..." [/color]She began to think heavily on her next words, but her master continued to talk which snapped her out of it. [b][color=8882be]"You wanted to be set free didn't you? And with that arm you really are of no use to me anymore. So I am just going to go ahead and grant you your wish. I am a merciful god after all. Be sure to thank William and his friends for this gift." [/color][/b] The half-demon raised his both hands and then shot out ten strings which wrapped their way around Darla's body, pressing her up towards the ceiling but not quite touching it. The short doll squeaked and tried to resist the strings which carried her up into the air. [color=7bcdc8]"M-master- why?! I-I don't want to die! P-please- I-"[/color] Her voice was cut off as the strings began to restrict around her, pressing her body tighter and tighter. Some crackling sounds could be heard coming from her as she tried to wriggle free. [b][color=8882be]"You failed me Darla. I also have no use for a broken toy. But you are not even a toy... you are trash. So I am going free you from your miserable existance right now."[/color][/b] [color=7bcdc8]"Noooo! Stop! H-help! Help me... Bertrand! Adam! Cel-"[/color] Darla's torso and waist began to give in to the strings which pressed forcefully against her, loud crackling noises could be heard and then her legs and arms shattered. Followed by her waist and chest. The strings which held her up fell down to the floor along the claylike rubble which was once her body, her clothes all dusty and torn amidst it. Her head landed just before the pile, cracked and with an expression of sadness on it. Her mouth opened to say something very low. [color=7bcdc8]"M-my.. dream..."[/color] Before her voice was fully silenced, as her master's boot came crashing down on her head, smashing it into pieces. Galbrek began to move over to a mat near the fireplace where he began to wipe his boots from the claylike dust which had attached to it. [b][color=8882be]"Oh pity. These pair of boots are ruined after tonight's event."[/color][/b] He gave a disapproving look to them and then to Adam. Adam had remained silent by the wall, something about seeing Darla ending up the way she did didn't sit right with him. Despite his harsh words to Darla. But she had failed their master, it was an expected punishment. One that he would do all in his power to avoid. He straightened his back. He could have tried to save her, but it would not have worked. His loyalty was to his master, no matter how much Darla may have cried for his help. No matter how much anyone would have cried. His allegiance was set in stone. [color=7bcdc8]"Master Galbrek, what is your command?"[/color] Adam said after watching Galbrek for a moment, the latter then began to step up really close to him. [b][color=8882be]"Oh Adam... the others have failed me. But you are the only one who have not disappointed me. That's why I am going to give you more power, and two new allies. Stay here for now."[/color][/b] Galbrek pressed his hand against Adam's chest and began to pour more dark energy into him, giving him 50% energy. Half the power output of a student of St.Lucifer's or St.Laurels. While a leap away from being devastating, his power output had now doubled. [color=7bcdc8]"Master? I will not disappoint you."[/color] He replied to his master who at this point had begun to hug him and press his head against his chest. [b][color=8882be]"I will make some new toys and tomorrow we shall try again. Tell me, do I still look as beautiful as I did last morning?"[/color][/b] Galbrek let go and moved abit away from Adam, spinning on his boots in a dancing whirl to display his now dusty, and bloodied coat alongside his bruises. [color=7bcdc8]"You haven't changed abit. Lord Galbrek. None among the gods have a grace comparable to yours."[/color] Adam replied, his expression was serious and firm. Not that Adam had ever seen any gods for that matter. [b][color=8882be]"I will rip them all to pieces... every last one of those who interfere with my plans for that girl. St.Lucifer's or St.Laurel's. It doesn't matter at all about any of those. If I can awaken some ancient evils there will be a new world order where I shall sit on the top of the food chain..." [/color][/b] Galbrek began to laugh uncontrollably spreading his arms wide as he looked up at a large painting depicting Rhea. His doll stood silent in the background, pondering just what he would have to walk through to serve his master.