[center][h1][color=cyan]Logan Thetch[/color][/h1] [h2][u][color=cyan]Tarantis Kron Nesis[/color][/u][/h2][/center] He walked back out of the alleyway and into the main streets towards the better part of the city, which wasn't saying all that much considering the entire city was a spectacle. There were portions of the city however where the richer folk and the nobility would reside, far more decorated and ridiculous than the rest of the city; the buildings were obnoxiously tall and wide some surrounded with their own walls as though it were a small city unto itself, even more ludicrous were these particular walls had their own guards walking the ramparts and standing at the entrances. But worse were the people, who rode in carriages and horses and carpeted the cobblestones they walked upon, as though better than everyone else. As if they didn't take a shit that morning. The nature of man and society was something he was curious about ever since he returned from his time lost in the woods; he would have gone to scholars for such things, but conversation was a weak point for him. Having lived in seclusion for so long with nothing but himself to talk to wasn't exactly grounds for great conversational skills, and even on the few times he tried it seemed awkward and forced on his part. He'd much rather pursue his curiosity on his own, pondering things in his head as he had grown all too accustomed to. Feeling someone approach him from behind, he turned and saw a young man running towards him from a long distance, red faced. Logan stood and waited for the runner, recognizing him as one of the novices of the Hunter's Guild when he eventually got near. He couldn't recollect the boy's name but he'd seen him about a few times running this way and that, always with a frustrated look on his red face just like the one he had now, as if he'd rather be somewhere else or doing something else. "Mister Logan! Mister Logan!" he heard the boy cry out. He came to a stop in front of him and took a moment to catch his breath, then: "The guild requires your presence for a coming expedition for the army. If you are interested, otherwise please let me know now." Logan looked the boy in the eyes for a good half minute before grunting and walking away, his mind racing as a worried knot formed on his brow. A war. He'd heard about this, or rather had heard rumours of one about to start. Something about a king of straw or a straw king or some such madman that the nation deemed a threat. Enough to waste resources on. But Kron-Nesis if anything had a surplus of resources and they needed to go somewhere, and wasting them on a war was as good as anything else. The worry however came in the choices this presented before him. Would he join this army and fight in this fool's war for a nation he had no allegiance to? More, Kron-Nesis were the aggressors and he didn't know if they were marching for the right reasons. Would they march to oppress, a powerful nation stomping and exploiting a smaller, weaker nation just to flex its own ego? If that were the case he couldn't join the army, he'd be morally bound to fight against it and join the oppressed. Not that he had any business in the silly war in any case. He approached a rather large building made mostly of wood, one of the only few buildings of its kind, but an exotic sort of wood that seemed to shine and glow in the sunlight, its somewhat earthy nature accentuated by the stone framework. As he got closer he saw the wood wasn't flat, but rather it had been etched into forming large exotic swirls and runes all intertwined together as though the building had been transported from the Northern Alliance and placed in this southern Kingdom. On the stone framework were set large gemstones nearly as big as his head in a variety of colours that emitted a sort light of their own, pulsating weakly as if power ran through the building like blood. He entered through the large wooden door and stepped into a storefront of hunting goods. Bows, arrows, traps and heads of various games were set on the walls. Skins and hides of various animals. And the place a pine smell to it, not the natural kind one would smell deep in the woods, but synthetic and more sweet. "Logan," a man poking his head from the counter. A Northman like him, but finer dressed and dark haired. If one didn't know who he was he could have easily been mistaken for a Kron Nesi. "It's good to finally see you." He grunted and placed the head on the counter. [color=cyan]"Here's the head you wanted,"[/color] he said reverting back to his mother tongue. "It's beautiful," Bjorn said with a wide grin running a hand on its massive antlers, still speaking in Kron Nesi. "Eighteen antlers. Tell me it put up a chase, old friend. Tell me it sensed your intention the moment you set foot into its woods." [color=cyan]"Bastard seemed to cover its own tracks too. That or some goblin decided to amuse itself by making my life harder."[/color] The owner laughed and took the head to the back and returned moments later and started putting coins into a pouch. "So, how're you getting along in Tarantis?" [color=cyan]"Well enough."[/color] "Still the silent savage, I take it?" Logan frowned. "It's what they're calling you, you know. These Kron-Nesi." [color=cyan]"Is that so?"[/color] "Aye, it is. They think you strange and dumb, some savage from the woods. I even hear a few say they were going to petition to get you out of the city." He clicked his tongue and waved his hand dismissively with a soft growl. "Logan. Seriously, you have to learn to socialize with them. You're not in the woods anymore, people need to be reassured that you're civilized." Logan got an uncomfortable look about him as he turned away, examining a rather interesting piece of string on the table. [color=cyan]"It's not as easy as it looks, you know,"[/color] he mumbled. "Coming from the man who survived in the woods. Alone, as a child on nothing but his own wit? Can't talk to people?" He looked up at Bjorn with a frown. "Look, all I'm saying is you have to give it a shot. It's only as hard as the effort you give." [color=cyan]"Being lectured by a shopowner,"[/color] Logan grumbled as he grabbed the coin pouch. [color=cyan]"I socialize well enough to get by. If they don't like it, they can kiss my Northern arse, the bastards."[/color] Bjorn grinned. "Wonderful! Now say that to any passing man in the street and they'll all be relieved!" [color=cyan]"Fuck off,"[/color] he said and walked out.