[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180516/77ce1c13b858ae878e5b8d8db1ecbbd7.png[/img][/center] [COLOR=ABDDFF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]T H E W A R N E R R E S I D E N C E: [/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Tuesday, August 21[SUP]st[/SUP], 2018 - 07:16am | Anneliese’s Room[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][i]Anneliese was running. Sprinting down a cobblestone sidewalk in the pitch black night. Who was after her? She had no clue, but whoever or whatever it was seemed to be nipping at her heels. The petite girl wasn’t strong and sure as hell wasn’t too fast, so as she crumbled to the ground almost instantaneously, she knew it was over. Her abilities were useless here, and she was rendered powerless in the presence of the offender chasing her. As the dark figure loomed over her, having nearly won, Anneliese let out one last defensive effort, an ear piercing scream that cut through the night like glass. The man reached out towards her-[/i] The brunette gasped for air as she abruptly sat up in bed, eyes wider than a deer in headlights. [color=ABDDFF][i]It was only a nightmare… only a nightmare[/i][/color] she thought to herself, attempting to calm down her tense and rigid frame. Her lungs were on fire, breathing as if she had just run a marathon, and her pulse was rampant and raging. It felt so [i]real[/i]. Clearly, she had been reading too many articles about the murder that occured only days previous. Taking some more deep breaths, she managed to slow her heart rate down just enough in order to achieve normalcy. Squinting from the rays of sunlight emitting from her window and wiping her palm across her damp forehead, Anneliese managed to turn her head just enough to catch sight of her alarm clock. The red LED numbers read 7:17, and that meant she was already running late on the first day of school. Fantastic. [b]“Liesey, I’m leaving in 30 minutes, and that’s either with or without you!”[/b] Her brother Louis yelled from the hallway, pounding on her door and chastising her with the nickname that she hated more than anything. Rolling her eyes, she shakily climbed out of bed, still in shock from the frightening dream she had just experienced. She could attribute it to current events all that she wanted, but deep down Anneliese truly knew what the nightmares were about. Throwing the thoughts aside, as she needed to focus on making it to school on time, the petite girl began the process of getting ready for the first day. [COLOR=ABDDFF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]M A T H E R M E M O R I A L H I G H S C H O O L:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Tuesday, August 21[SUP]st[/SUP], 2018 - 07:56am | Mather Memorial Parking Lot[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT]Louis Warner pulled into his usual parking spot-closest space to the football field- with Anneliese in the passenger’s seat, music blaring loudly. She luckily had gotten ready in time, and was able to ride with him, saving her from the mile walk. The car left when Louis left, and if his sister wasn’t ready, that was too bad for her. Usually, she’d make it in time, but this morning was touch and go, as the nightmares clouded her mind and her productivity flew out the window. Turning to his sister as he cut the engine, Louis spoke while a toothpick hung out of his mouth. He was trying to cease his summer smoking habits, since that impaired him from performing at his best on the field. [b]“I have practice after school, so you know the drill.”[/b] The drill was that she could either wait in the stands until practice was over, catch the bus (which was a terrible form of transportation), or walk a mile back to their house. More often than not, Anneliese chose to walk, but sometimes she enjoyed staying and watching the team practice. A majority of the time she’d sit there and sketch the players, working on capturing art in motion. She [i]never[/i] took the bus. You wouldn’t catch her on that yellow death machine with wheels anyday. [color=ABDDFF][b]“Yeah, alright.”[/b][/color] She replied carelessly, and Louis hopped out of the car almost immediately to greet his two friends who had gathered by the side of the car. Unseen, she stepped out of the passenger seat as they bantered about their Senior year, and headed into the familiar school building. Anneliese’s day went off without a hitch. Her classes were somewhat tolerable, and she even got to reunite with her favorite teacher, Ms. Henshaw. Everything was going smoothly until she looked at the very last class listed on her schedule... [COLOR=ABDDFF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]M A T H E R M E M O R I A L H I G H S C H O O L:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Tuesday, August 21[SUP]st[/SUP], 2018 - 02:24pm | The Loft [/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT]If she was being quite honest, Anneliese thought that “Social Conscience” sounded like a load of crap. In fact, she was a little irked that she was enrolled in this class instead of an additional art elective. What was she going to get out of it anyway? Plus, if this room was supposed to hold the best and the brightest, why not choose her brother instead of her? Maybe this was all one big mix up, and they meant to put Louis’ name instead of hers! With a sigh, Anneliese filed into the classroom alongside the other students. Most of them she recognized, others she did not. What she did realize, was that this was a huge grab bag of people from Mather Memorial. Not just one type of person was in this room- in fact, she believed they represented almost every stereotypical archetype found in these halls. Some sort of screwed up Breakfast Club, this was. As Mr. Lehr-[i]Jonas[/i] spoke, Anneliese decided that she would give him the benefit of the doubt, and not completely count out this course from her other ones. Besides, he seemed nice enough. Also the promise of a letter of recommendation was too good to pass up- she would definitely have to hold him to that. In her mind, the more allies she had, the better. Tuning out the rest of his speech, she pulled out her sketchbook and her pencils and began to scribble a rough sketch of the classroom in all of its dusty glory, wanting to capture a moment in time. Inspiration was everywhere, and Anneliese never turned down an opportunity to capitalize on it. Jonas’ question piqued her interest, though. She listened to her classmates, and even managed a small laugh at one of the boy's comments about opposable thumbs. It wasn't until her memories flashed back to the nightmare from this morning that the mere recall of being chased sent shivers down her spine. It was animalistic- being chased and preyed on. While she never volunteered to speak up in her regular classes, the small class of no more than 15 intimidated her into saying something. Mumbling an answer to the question, she continued sketching while speaking. [color=ABDDFF][b]“I see no difference half of the time. High school is a great example of humans acting like animals- there is a clear and obvious food chain.”[/b][/color] Anneliese chuckled, dropping one of the pencils against her sketchbook resting on the table. Looking up and making eye contact with Jonas, she continued. [color=ABDDFF][b]“But if there’s one thing that makes us different, it’s that humans study themselves- they self-reflect and try to make meaning of everything. Animals couldn’t do that even if they tried.”[/b][/color]