Kale looked up into the sky and saw his Padawan falling from the sky. He shook his head and let out a sigh. "No, that's something she came up with on her own." He said. Lahana's robes fluttered as she fell through the air. She knew her master would chastise her for this later, but she couldn't waste even a moment, knowing people were in danger while she did nothing made her ceaselessly anxious. As the ground became closer at an alarming rate she took in the battlefield. There were numerous enemies, but they were being held off by both the Republic soldiers and Jedi. With their ground vehicles blown to smithereens they didn't have an easy means of escape either. She clenched her fists and focused. She wasn't very good at being precise with the force, but thankfully what she was about to do didn't require it. Just as she was about to splatter into the ground she thrust her palms forward, using the force to cancel her downward momentum and release it around her. She'd landed right in the middle of a crowd of the attacking gang members. Those closest to her had been blown away, those close enough and not shocked enough by her entrance rushed at her as they were too close to allies to fire. Lahana spun and kicked a man in the face, he went flying backwards and into a second person. It seemed she'd crack his skull with that kick, it was then she realized that she was perhaps in a bad mood. If there was any time to take it out on someone it was now. She ran over to the truck that had been used to smash the gate and quickly moved to it's front bumper, then grabbing hold of it. She'd noticed a while ago that it was easier for her to lift things with the force if she was physically holding it. This wasn't very useful for smaller objects, but it did mean that she was able to pick up massive objects a little easier than most. Perhaps it was the result of her strengthening her body, or it could simply be a placebo effect. What she did know was that it scared the hell out of her enemies that saw her do it. The truck rose into the air until it was above her head. She threw it straight into a group of enemies that were trying to take cover. the truck exploded... Much more violently than a truck is supposed to. Lahana tried to use the force to project a barrier to protect herself, but only managed to avoid lethal injury and was flung backwards. Apparently the truck had been loaded with plastic explosives. The idiots loading it figured a molotov would be enough to set it off. Inside the base Gallowin was directing a squad of soldiers, having them cut off the path of the enemy, preventing them from taking favorable positions. Meanwhile his assistant Fufuro was sent to guard the back entrance of the base. Match and his guards had gathered near the front entrance and were providing covering fire for the Republic soldiers. Back in the end of the base, alone, where the sounds of the battle were muffled and far away, Fufuro was nearly screaming her lekku off. "I said shut up!" A ragged looking man holding a blaster at her shouted. Somehow he'd found his way into the back of the base. Fufuro shut her mouth, switching to whimpering and quivering her lips. "Now tell me the launch codes for the missiles." He said. "There aren't any missiles." She whined, her eyes watering. "And we don't even use launch codes, who told you we had missiles?" "Stop lying!" The man raised the gun to smack her, Fufuro let out a cowardly scream and grabbed the man's wrist, then pushing her back into him and flipping him onto his back. The man his his head and lost consciousness. Fufuro tapped the man with her foot, making sure he was out. "T-that's what you get, s-suck it!" The smoke from the trucks explosion cleared, revealing that a small group of thugs were left, disoriented and attempting to escape. Lahana struggled to get to her feet, but couldn't move. "I think you've done enough, Padawan." Kale stepped forward in front of her and raised his right hand. Ten blasters and rifles rose into the air and pointed themselves at the last remaining gang members. One of the ten tried to run off, only for a shot to be fired at his feet. Him and the rest reluctantly raised their hands in surrender. At this point the two people Anari had lifted from the ground were quite high up. "I think they've learned their lesson Anari, One of them seems to be crying."