[CENTER][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmZiZGFhMi5RbUZ5YjI0Z1R5ZE9aV2xzLjAAAAAA/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][color=silver]Tuesday, August 21[sup]st[/sup], 2018[/color][/sup][/INDENT] Summer break was over and that meant that it was time for him to stop messing around again. He had spent his vacation as actively as possible, going anywhere that he could and seeing [i]everything[/i] that he could. He wasn't busting windows or smashing mailboxes anymore but he was kicking back at pools and visiting parks. He was going to miss the loose schedule of doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. There was a growing discomfort at the idea of being in school again, at listening to teachers direct him around again. He had never been a model student, he wanted to do things his way or not at all. Teachers liked structure though and that meant that he had to be on his best behavior, his therapist had been telling him throughout summer break that he had to adjust to authority. She understood that he had problems following direction and she was trying to work with him on it, he just couldn't follow [i]why[/i] it was so [i]important[/i] that he should spend eight hours of his life listening to people lecture him on what skills he'd need in the future. It was all so tedious and boring. When he finally rolled into the parking lot, he was even [i]less excited[/i] if that was possible. The sight of his fellow students was enough to sour his mood but he had to maintain face, he had a reputation to withhold and "angry angsty teenage boy" was [i]not[/i] that reputation. He pulled down the sun visor, noting that his hair was doing that floaty, staticky thing again and that he had the expression of someone who's cheerios had been throughly pissed upon. He spent a good moment trying to twist that frown into something more amiable. When he was sure that he got it under control, he made his first beeline to the auditorium. From there he preceded to sit through a huge waste of time and breath. [i]New faculty, woohoo.[/i] He zoned out about halfway through the guy's speech and became lost in picking out pictures in the grain of the wood flooring. It was the bell that jolted him into awareness and he blinked around in confusion as people started filing out the door. This was common for him, of course, but he had missed an entire chunk of the orientation speech. When he looked beside him, he could see that Cameron had joined him. He must have missed the other boy joining him completely, like he hadn't even been there at all. It was easy to get lost in his head when he didn't care about what was going on, that was another thing that his therapist wanted him to work on. Clearly, he was making progress. Cameron was gathering his stuff together to seek out his first class, Baron was staring at him dumbly instead of moving. "[color=fdc68a]I- Have you been there the whole time?[/color]" The other boy arched his eyebrows. "[b]You zoned out, man. Sometimes I think you're the spaciest person that I know. We gotta get going or we're going to be late.[/b]" "[color=fdc68a]Do we have the same first period?[/color]" "[b]You only wish,[/b]" said Cameron, shaking his head. "[b]Come on, man. I don't want you to be stuck scraggling on the first day.[/b]" "[color=fdc68a]Too late for that but I appreciate the sentiment.[/color]" [hr][INDENT][sup][color=silver]Tuesday, August 21[sup]st[/sup], 2018 | The Loft[/color][/sup][/INDENT] The school day had gone by as school days often do, he was bored and irritated. There had been a few good points, he found that he really liked his Geography teacher. There were other not-so-good points where he'd gotten into a small tiff with a teacher over answering a question that he hadn't wanted to answer. It hadn't got [i]too[/i] out of control but it had made a slight ripple in how he approached the classes that followed. He had missed an entire lesson in one his classes by doodling an abstract rendition of the teacher, he was going to be paying for that one later when there was a test. He ate lunch with Avery, who he found to be more companionable than Cameron at times. Avery was the type of kid that just made you feel at home. He had been happy to tell him about how his summer had gone and Avery had been happy to hear about it. Though they hadn't discussed much about Avery, they had happily talked about [i]him[/i] and he prefered it that way. It had probably been the best part of his day, mostly because he wasn't learning anything and there was food involved. He had been sad when it ended, Avery had hurried off before he could even say that he'd see him later. [i]Weird kid.[/i] It wasn't until someone gently reminded him that he had one more class to go to that he lost all bearing on pretending to be in a good mood. It was aggravating that he'd have to sit through something that sounded as ridiculous and useless as "social conscience". He didn't have great grades or a great track record, there was no reason that he should have been hand selected for some fancy-smancy psychology class. When he arrived, he realized that the reacher was that new guy that he'd ignored during the orientation. He sighed loudly and took his seat, folding his arms as he listened to the guy introduce the class that they had been forced into. He hated this almost immediately, he'd never been very good with psychology and he didn't expect that to change any time soon. This place was extremely old by the looks of it and the dust was already agitating his sinuses. [i]Jonas[/i] would be lucky if he didn't start sneezing erratically. The only thing he was feeling conscious of was how much his nose was starting to itch. He tried to answer though, maybe if someone got the right answer then they'd be freed sooner from this dust hell. "[color=fdc68a]Everything animals do is just their nature, they don't understand the consequence of action. [i]Uh[/i] cause and effect, it doesn't really matter to animals, not in the way that it should matter to humans.[/color]" What had they taught him in therapy about the importance of cause and effect? "[color=fdc68a]I mean, obviously that's what marks a bad person, right? Someone who knows that their cause can have a negative effect but they do it anyway. Animals, they just, they don't have that moral conflict.[/color]"