[hider=Sanderson Glasswell, The Glass Gentleman][color=lightblue][center][h1]Guild Membership Card[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GwU3fwu.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/t5BnsDu.jpg[/img] [sub][color=f4a460]6'0[/color] ♦ [color=f4a460]150lbs/Slim Build[/color] ♦ [color=f4a460]Light Blonde [Hair][/color] ♦ [color=f4a460]Salmon [Eyes][/color] ♦ [color=f4a460]Elegant Fashion[/color][/sub] [i][color=f4a460]“Well met.”[/color][/i][/center] [color=f4a460]| Name |[/color] [indent][i]Glasswell, Sanderson[/i][/indent] [color=f4a460]| Alias|Nickames|Titles |[/color] [indent][i]Glass Gentleman Sandy, Anders Mr. Glass, Mr. Sandman[/i][/indent] [color=f4a460]| Gender |[/color] [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent] [color=f4a460]| Rank |[/color] [indent][i]B[/i][/indent] [color=f4a460]| Age: |[/color] [indent][i]30[/i][/indent] [color=f4a460]| Guild |[/color] [indent][i]Cloud Chasers[/i][/indent] [color=f4a460]| Personality |[/color] [indent][i]If there’s one thing that Sanderson prides himself in, it’s portraying himself in the dignified manner he was raised. Where he came from, manners and chivalry weren’t dead but rather the most common way one could act towards both friend and foe. He doesn’t believe in “getting even” with anyone, be it in all good fun or when it comes to grudges. A selfless and genuine soul, Sanderson is well-spoken. He doesn’t normally consider himself reserved, for he does always have an opinion on something, but not to be confused with someone who feels the need to share their words with everyone around them, Sanderson finds the idea of opening the floor for opposing opinions about a topic absolutely riveting. Nothing excites him more than being able to talk out the politics of the world with his peers in a civilized debate. Aside from tea and the occasional cookie, debating the issues of the world is one of his true loves. One thing that could be noted as an annoying trait that, to Sanderson’s ignorance, could get on people’s nerves is his tendency to be too cheerful and positive for his own good. This doesn’t mean he’s like the Sugar Plum Fairy or has a sugary-sweetness outlook on life. It’s more so that he’s optimistic and believes that life is full of its own mysteries. He also believes that one shouldn’t focus on the destination. They should enjoy the journey and have a blast while doing it. This, as one could expect, could rub some people the wrong way.[/i][/indent] [color=f4a460]| History |[/color] [indent][i]Sanderson Glasswell comes from the prestigious and equally well-known family of Glasswell from the Glasswell continent. They date back a hundred years when it was just one man with a dream: bringing manners back. An ambitious goal, especially when you consider how kids these days seem to be drifting further and further what made this world of ours a decent place to live in. When the craze to erupt and disrespect your elders was taking priority, a man of just twenty years of age, Samuel Glasswell made it his mission to make manners great again. As time went on, so did the name of Glasswell. It reached far and wide in the trade of manufacturing. With the shipping business being at an all-time high, the time to make a profit was at its highest point. And through this, a legacy was created for his children and his children’s children. Eventually, it reached the point of maximum capacity where they relocated to one of the main islands of Pandora. The great, great grandson of Samuel Glasswell had been born into a world where war was the norm. He, the one who was named after his great grandfather’s brother, Sanderson, was placed in quite the interesting situation. Still, his parents wouldn’t allow the strifes of Pandora have any say how they carried on the values that Anders’ father grew up on. Every life lesson taught to him and every line that his grandfather and his grandfather's father instilled into the son down the ladder had been permanently cemented into Sanderson’s brain at a young age. Though the Glasswells would prove to be mostly innocent, in the years that would follow Sanderson having lived for a quarter century, some dark times were in store for them. Bad investments made during the troubling times of war, plus rumors of there being some surprising claims of collusion that they had with the Librarium. Though proven to be false after extensive investigations, it had tarnished the good name of the Glasswell family, especially among the inner-circle that they were pretty involved with. Whether this was because they were proven to reject the Librarium or that the rumors themselves were too much, the one thing that proved to be without a doubt was this shadow looming over them. In times where loyalty to Pandora’s ruling government, the legacy of Samuel Glasswell had been forever ruined in the eyes of the public. Deciding to take action instead of letting it consume him like it did to his siblings, Sanderson went on a journey of self-discovery. Along the way, he came across the Sky Pirate mage guild of Cloud Chasers. Intrigued and fascinated by the idea of traveling in the skies, Sanderson joined with gusto. He knew he couldn’t pass this up. Plus, this would provide him the comfort of knowing he wouldn’t be alone in his endeavor to redeem his family name. [/i][/indent] [color=f4a460]| Magic |[/color] [indent] [url=http://fairytailfanon.wikia.com/wiki/Sand_Magic]Sand Magic[/url] Glass Magic A caster-type magic that allows the user to manipulate Ethernano in the air and ground to create, shape, size, mold, and manipulate a hardened, sharp material simply known as glass. This magic has high offensive capabilities, as well as defensive and supplementary uses. It bends to the will of the user and whatever their desires are, with the right training, this magic can become their greatest weapon. It is at its strongest in places where there is plenty of sand around because glass is initially created from sand itself. Anders has been known to create a moderate amount of glass through this application. [/indent] [center][sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fLPBIBOE5U][color=f4a460]Theme[/color][/url] | [color=f4a460]Guild Mark on right shoulder blade[/color][/sub][/center] [/color] [/hider]