When she unstrapped him from the ship's webbing and personal harness, he wanted to fall flat onto his stomach and reside on the shuttle for the duration of their mission on Malachor, but Aria provided enough of a jolt to his system that managed to restore some of his senses back to working condition. His eyes, which had closed upon their foreheads touching, opened to find her dark irises searching his for answers. Goodness her eyes were beautiful. One of her best features, albeit she wouldn't find satisfactory responses to her questions in his gaze. He was hard pressed to find answers himself. "I don't know." He shook his head, hands bracing against the seat right as Aria suggested that they get him outside into something that wasn't a pressurized tube. The Champion chuckled, nodding. "Fair enough. It'll be nice to stand on solid ground rather than feel like our insides are being contorted." He looked up just as she smirked, kissing him before offering a hand up. "I ought to be in a state like this more often if it means I get that response." He took her hand, using a combination of Force, momentum and physical strength to get to standing. The Champion nearly tumbled forward, but a steadying brace from Aria helped him regain some of his composure. Not wanting to lose the moment, he looked down at her before adding: "If a kiss is equated to being nearly incapacitated, then what would other...activities require?" Expecting a hearty slap on the chest, Yerbol quickly offered: "Hey, I'm entitled to a crack or two. We're on a desolate rock renown for bloodshed and death. Might as well get them in now." The clearing that Ethan had managed to land the ship in had no flora or fauna, instead featuring grey, barren landscape that stretched outward into massive mountainous peaks that jutted sharply into the atmosphere. Surprisingly, Yerbol saw that Ethan and Kytra were walking towards them without any delay or side effects of the extreme gravitational pull that so obviously would have killed them in their arriving shuttle. How did the planet manage to sustain such harsh gravitational conditions for ships, yet not affect those who set foot on it's surface? Something to file away for another time, seeing as Kytra and Ethan came with a report of a path that led up past the mountains. Yerbol nodded at Kytra's observation, speaking after the crackle of green energy surged above them: "When you go to a place that has chaos and violence steeped into it, the Force will twist itself to fit the landscape." Thoughts of Illesia's tomb on Quensu and the creatures he and Aria fought in the tombs Renso had them train in came to mind, the Champion banishing the temptation to ruminate on the past before standing upright on his own. [i]I think I got it from here. Thank you. And yes, I'll tell you if I'm feeling weak again. And yes, I love you too. [/i] The Champion shot his partner a quick wink, Ethan asking: "Yerbol, is your eye alright?" A snort of a chuckle. "Yeah, I'm good. Come on, the quicker we find out where Revan and the Exile went, the faster we can get off this forsaken rock." The path that the apprentices found led upward, flanked between the mountains. As they trekked upward, the rockface walls receded to the point where the party could look back and spy the shuttle they arrived on in the distance. While they were far, one could still make out trails of smoke coming up from the vehicle. "Guess I'll have to do some work on it before we set off again." Ethan commented, looking to the masters with apologetic intent. "You got us down here, Ethan. I'm confident you'll get us up again...if for no other reason than to impress our pilot." Ethan blushed, turning his head from the shuttle to the now level path that snaked around pillars of rock and basalt rising from chasms that featured viridian-like magma oozing from the planet's core, undulating beneath the surface. "Qyaari training tip of the day: don't fall into those." Ethan chuckled slightly at his master's jest, the smile that formed from the laughter disappearing the moment that the Qyaari found themselves looking down at where the sloping path took them. "So many directions." Yerbol quietly commented, looking over the snaking, branching paths below that ran into each other so many times that it was nigh impossible to determine where the beginning or end of the paths were; however, in the distance, they could see that there was indeed a path that led over yet another set of mountainous peaks. To the east lay the tail end of what looked like a Republic cruiser, the trademark tail fin rising above the maze. The west had no such marker. "Should we split up?" Ethan offered, Yerbol shaking his head in protest. "No chance in a place like this. We stay together and head to that cruiser. Hopefully we can salvage something from the wreck that might give us a clue where to look for Revan." Down below, shimmering shapes slithered, heads tilted up towards the newcomers. Stomaches roared with hunger, with the desire to rend bone from flesh. Finally.