Asura simply shook his head when the other slime talked about killing goblins with the new move. [color=red]"Most likely not. Unless you get help."[/color] He stated, knowing they could actually use items which probably boosted their 'stats' beyond typical monster capabilities. When Green went to start shooting again Asura leaned into the flight path of the empowered stones. Taking as many hits as he felt he could before retreating out of the way. A quick shift and a Healing Herb was devoured. Leaving him with eight herbs from his original ten. He wanted to see if one herb would fill his hit points completely when near death. If he wasn't healed to full he'd munch another herb before following after the Green slime. Neither slimes had introduced themselves, but maybe that was to prevent any emotion if one died? For some reason the other slime approached a group of fanged lizards that were doing...something. The red and orange slime stayed back a bit, keeping a safe distance between himself and the lizards despite one of them acting amiable. It could be a trick, although Asura couldn't really do support given his lack of ranged capabilities.