[h3]Hello![/h3] I’ve been playing through the Yakuza games lately, which really just means that now I’m craving a crime-based RP set in Japan. Here’s a basic rundown on what I’m looking for in a partner (with all these points, of course, applying to me as well)! [list][*]Mature themes will definitely crop up, if not be some of the main driving forces, so I’m only comfortable playing with a partner who is also 18+. Just be aware that there will almost definitely be some scenes that contain violence, cursing, and so on! Intimate scenes, if any, are dependant on my partner's preference; please do let me know if you're uncomfortable with anything! [*]3-10 paragraphs is my comfort zone, though I generally prefer to hover around 5 or so. [*]Patience, please! I have a full-time job and don’t get to reply until I get home. Generally I’ll try to get out a minimum of one reply per day, but there might be instances where I’m busier. In this case, I’ll try to let you know. [*]I’m looking for a partner who is not locked to playing just one gender and is willing to play multiple characters (though only as needed; I don’t expect full posts for every single character)! I can understand having a preference since I certainly do as well, but I think it’s important we both pick up different characters as needed/be open to the types of characters we play. [*]For faceclaims, I’d personally prefer rl images or an art style that isn’t [i]too[/i] anime-based (i.e. classic huge eyes), but we can discuss this![/list] [h3]Plot ideas:[/h3] Note that this is a very loose idea that can be tweaked as desired (and the characters down below are much more detailed)! I just wanted to have something basic to use as a potential springboard, but if you have a better idea, hit me up! Slapping this down in point-form since it’s easier to organize my thoughts [list][*]Two large clans that are at war (Miyami + one other clan), with multiple smaller families branching directly from them. They are in the midst of constant struggle over ownership/control over a particularly rich piece of land that includes multiple hostess clubs/bars/etc that would be profitable to own [*]Miyami Clan ultimately has the upper hand, up until the point where their clan head is murdered [*]...Literally all hell breaks loose on either side. The Miyami leader’s daughter temporarily forces her way into the role of acting head as the smaller families under them scrambles for control. She offers a deal to these vultures where the first clan head to personally kill their enemy leader will have proven themselves worthy of the Miyami Clan.[/list] [h3]Potential Roles:[/h3] *Note that I’ll definitely be picking up roles as needed too, such as members of your clan and whatever you need! [list][*]Enemy clan leader + group [*]One of the lesser families vying for the role of Miyami Clan leader [*]Civilians as needed[/list]