[@Metal Tortoise] The humanoid insect wasn't the only bizzare creature lurking about the dense foliage. The beast in question was a peculiar mix of things. Harboring traits from the fearsome lion and the predatory eagle, one with a keen eye and familiarity with old folklore would surmise this was indeed the hybrid of legend known as the Griffin. His body was primarily feline with tawny brown fur encompassing his toned frame. His white feathered head and gold taloned feet were his more avian traits. Additionally, jutting from his shoulder blades was a remarkably resilient set of wings as pitch as the midnight sky appearing not unlike a cape. Besides standing upright with bipedal locomotion, the other oddity was the various webbed extremities present on him. This included the trio of fin shaped constructs hanging from his plumaged cranium as well as his paws and talons being joined together by translucent skin. What more were the soft russet scales lined along his midsection and along the underside of his lengthy tail. These aquatic adaptions were attributed to him by the Aerasginero; a sea-dwelling warrior subspecies of Griffins. Tharraleos was this avid adventurer's designation. Initially, it was an aimless stroll through this region after finding it during his usual travels. Though before long, a 6th sense of his subconsciously brought him to a specific location. Every last creature residing here was prey to him and this was an uncontested fact. There was, however, the most feint of lingering suspicions the title of alpha predator was being challenged. Something out there was a potential threat and this needed to be investigated immediately. Not that Tharr was fearful, just merely amused and fascinated. More often than not it turned out he was overhyping himself, but his desire to seek notable adversaries had reached a point not experienced in some time. Trailing the tracks of the fleeing forest denizens and the ever present ominous feeling in his gut, the Seagriff came across a suspiciously tranquility portion of the greenery. A loud crack was registered through his powerful eardrums in the near distance. It almost sounded as if something crunched Its way through a skull. The mild increase of heartbeat was the indication he was soon to discover what brought him this way. The usual heavy taloned feet took much more quieter steps as he made his gradual approach. It wouldn't long before the insectoid would be found. He wasn't exactly being stealthy, as once he stepped into a small clearing, a figure in his peripherals a safe distance away was registered. Turning his feathered head, Cricket was seen in its hunkered stance, likely now staring at this new visitor. A raised eyebrow was the initial reaction upon seeing the thing as if he was attempting to piece together what it was that stood before him. “What are you?” Inquired the beast. His vocals were at such ferocity they appeared to vibrate the air around him. His tone was just as unyielding as his stare and there was an heir of sophistication in his words. One with potent eardrums might be able to distinguish a feint Greek accent. He would blink, occasionally, eyelids sweeping upwards much like his avian kin. He turned to face Cricket and at this point it was difficult to determine just how threatening either of them were. No armor, weapons or even clothing were present and Tharr’s stance was rather lax. How dangerous could someone so nakedly armed be? Surely such would be discovered soon enough.