[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Tq4R0Ekh30JKo/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=yellow]"I do not need to learn fighting or anything with Happy! I generally choose not to fight, otherwise I risk turning into a free laser show and blind everyone within 50 feet of me. It literally took all of the energy I had to not do that in the middle of the school! I choose not to fight back because to me it is completely pointless!"[/color] he said, glaring at his dad now. Now that they weren't in the school, he didn't have to try and prevent his powers from showing, and his entire body was starting to glow with a faint light. [color=yellow]"Besides, I probably would accidentally blind him permanently anyway!"[/color] When they pulled into the garage, Lance hardly waited for the car to stop before he grabbed his bag and got out, ignoring his dad entirely now as he went to the elevator. He was still glowing slightly, but he didn't care, he did not want to talk about all of this right now, especially since he couldn't control his powers, and was slightly fearful that his dad might hulk out or something. He pulled out his phone again and noticed Guin's message. [quote][b]To: Guin Stark[/b] [color=yellow][i]What makes you think I'd testify against you? I think they deserve it personally.[/i][/color][/quote]