[h2][center][color=fff200]Seth[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] Seth looked around at the Lab. Or, at least that's what the professor called it. His attention turned to the paper that was given to him. He didn't quite pay attention to what was being said. Something about writing something down about yourself? Looking at what the other two had written, he instead saw a couple of pictures instead. A mushroom and some traits, or at least, that's what he thought they were, while the other was a picture of... themself? And cartoony looking trees surrounded her. Was he supposed to draw something? He could've sworn there was something else he was supposed to do. He scratched his head in confusion. Picking up the pencil, he pondered on what to write. He could go the low road and just draw a dickbutt or something. He'd write out something more elaborate, but he didn't exactly have a lot of time. Eventually he ended up drawing a picture of a knight in armor from one of his favorite games. Next to it he wrote [i]"A lover of adventure and fantasy, trying to see the good in everyone"[/i] He put down the pencil and looked at everybody else. Hopefully that was enough, he didn't want to leave a bad first impression.