[center][h2]Amalia[/h2] [sup]Bride of Wilhelm [@Saltwater Thief] and Sister-Bride of Onyx[@Vesuvius] Interacting with: Onyx, Wilhelm[/sup][/center] When Onyx let go Amalia felt like a child that had lost it's mother for a moment, not certain of how to proceed. She stayed rooted to her spot as Onyx climbed into the bed on one side of the Drakken. Amalia took a deep breath, willing herself to move. One foot in front of the other. One step at a time. One day at a time. One... night at a time. She didn't like the feeling of separation she had with Wilhelm between them. What was his motive? Was this how they were to sleep from now on? If he had another wife then how would that work, unless he had a very large bed at his keep. Amalia winced at the idea of sharing a bed with three other people. Having had her own bed her whole life, this was a change and one she wasn't certain she could get used to. Since she didn't want to make him angry Amalia got into the bed a minute or two after Onyx did. Her sister bride offered good night wishes and Amalia returned them. "May your dreams be blessed," she said. Amalia laid on her back, staring at the ceiling. How was she to ever go to sleep? After everything that had happened that day she felt overwhelmed and incredibly nervous. She felt very exposed in her shift, feeling the heat emanating from Wilhelm's body even though they barely touched. Amalia focused on controlling her breathing, trying to get her body to relax naturally. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Repeat. Throughout the night she was plagued with nightmares of monstrous creatures devouring everything in their path. But they were not Drakken. They were something else entirely. Something much, much worse... [hider= Summary] Amalia gets into bed and tries to relax enough to sleep. When she finally does she has nightmares about monsters. [/hider]