[@Luin Angia] So I have a good amount of mixed feedback for you (and an apology for taking over 24 hours for a CS review). Branwyn I think is pretty good. While my own leanings think she has an unrealistically high tolerance and probably would have snapped sooner, I do like her. Being blind I think is a really interesting aspect to the character however it comes with the same kind of concern I had about Matty. I don't want to see a character who's a drag on the party. The party's job isn't to babysit so she needs to be able to cut it with the rest of them (and trust me, there's gonna be a nice wave of enemies thrown at them real soon) in at least some capacity. To that end, I think the character's power level is currently insufficient, but I'll get to that. Tollame however gets some less glowing feedback. I think he feels kind of flat, especially compared to how believably well done Branwyn's motivations are. (I suspect in writing the sheet you got to him and the creativity just burned out.) He's also where I think the power level problems come in. His illusion ability I think is quite cool, but ultimately is not going to win you any fights (and avoiding fighting will not always be an option). As I said above, I think the power level actually needs to get dialed up somewhat (either that or convince me that they have some alternate role they can serve which doesn't require upping their strengths). There's two more-specific things that I need to specifically address too. You said that Tollame was killed almost a year before the other Legionnaires ... but per the already-existing history no one in Avalon can claim the feat of slaying a Legionnaire. Yes they were defeated and captured at the Nexus, but they essentially committed mass suicide in the process of forging the prophecy which guarantees their return. The other has to do with the null soul concept. It's possible I'm horribly misreading it but I get this impression that, at the battle of the Nexus one of two things should have happened given this: either Tollame is completely immune to the aetheric detonation in which case there's no reason they should have lost, or the surge would have destroyed him. The construct seems at odds with the notion that the souls of the Legionnaires survived half a millennium after their demise and I don't think it's a sufficiently worthwhile gimmick to potentially cause so many complications. In other words, it should either be clarified, expanded upon, and made more relevant, or you should consider dropping it. I think Branwyn is interesting enough even without considering that so don't feel bad about leaving it behind. I don't particularly like to rip on a CS, particularly on someone new to the site, but I do want to see a revision pass before I will approve her.