For everyone else regarding posting orders ... I don't really do that even when we get to combat. Now I generally want everyone to maintain similar posting frequencies so we may get to times where we need to hold up for a person, lest they get too far behind (and I will be stricter with this when the party is embroiled in battle). However I will never say that we must go in X order. That's too rigid and inflexible for the inherently dynamic availability of players and causes a large number of avoidable holdups. I'm glad things have slowed down a bit, as it gives me some breathing room to work ... and I'm about to run out too. For anyone who doesn't know (which should be everyone here because I've never said it), I am interviewing for an internship over summer this Friday and if I get it, that's 30 hours a week I'm working plus a long commute. Also in terms of my time availability I'm kind of a night-owl (as many programming majors are) so I may be GMT-5, but you can effectively treat me as if I'm a few hours behind that, GMT-7/8.