[center][h2][color=black][b]Mourningstar[/b][/color][/h2] [@King Cosmos][@Gardevoiran][/center] The slime squealed in pain as Mourningstar let out a haughty laugh, one could feel the condescension rolling off of her despite the lack of a definable body. [b][color=black]"How pathetic! Defeated by one measly bolt of magic! I can't believe you two were even having tro- GET AWAY GET AWAY GET AWAY!"[/color][/b] She screamed girlishly as the slime leapt at her, scrambling to the side as she fired off another two shots of magic. She also noticed the goblin child just staring at the ground like an idiot and the pixie casting a shield spell on her. At least one of them was being useful. [color=f49ac2]“If you’re here to help then keep firing at the Slime. I’ll protect you as best I can.”[/color] When the pixie said that she got a little annoyed admittedly, doing her best to try and puff up to show how annoyed she was. [b][color=black]"Of course I'm here to help you fools! You obviously need it to if you're trying to take on a slime with basic physical attacks, haven't you ever played an RPG before!? Meanwhile the dirty sprout of broccoli is just staring at the ground like an idiot while I nearly get eaten by a gross slime!"[/color][/b] That last bit almost sounded like a scared whine, not that she would ever admit it. [b][color=black]"So yes, I am here to assist you! Be very grateful a mighty general of the Demon King would deign to help some low level monster brats such as yourself. In return you will be my new vassals as we leave this filthy cave. Not just anyone gets to be the minions of such a high level boss such as myself. You were lucky to have been chosen."[/color][/b] Of course none of this was true in the slightest, well, maybe she was a general of the Demon King. Who knows honestly. But as the old saying on Earth goes, fake it until you make it. And Mourningstar was going to be very good at faking it, she had a whole lifetime to practice from now on. Maybe she would get so good she could actually make it.