[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#0099ff]Jenna Westbrook[/color][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d887a8a1d29a848966e328ec5d6e8c8f/tumblr_n256cncp0N1tneebho1_250.gif[/img][hr][color=0099ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: 052 Forrester Drive [/center][hr][hr] Jenna raised an eyebrow at Lydia when she saw her cousin whispering to her cat. She understood talking to a pet - she talked with Tony all the time - but acting like it was a private conversation between her and the cat? That struck Jenna as being just a little bit odd. [color=#0099ff]"He's named after a comic book character,"[/color] Jenna explained. She enjoyed reading comics, though she of course had a preference for Star Wars movies. A thought came to her and she snorted a bit. Princess Leia would've sided with her in this entire fiasco with Finn and Declan. But to hell with them anyways - she didn't need them. She raised an eyebrow as the cat started to stare at her, as if it was Professor McGonagall. Tony stared back at the cat, as if trying to determine whether or not Robert was attempting to threaten Jenna. However, as the cat jumped down and the transformed into a person, Jenna's eyes widened. The name [i]Robert[/i] suddenly made a lot more sense. This certainly was one of the stranger things she had seen lately. She considered this new development with interest. Declan hadn't explained how werewolves worked, leaving her to conclude that Remus Lupin and all of his plights had to be true. There was the most evidence for it in the mythos from what she knew. [color=#0099ff]"What do you know about werewolves?"[/color] Jenna asked Robert bluntly.