[color=708090]He ran and ran and when he got his bearings he found himself locked up inside an office looking through the small window in the door. Did he outrun it? Was it too far behind to know where he went to hide? Maybe it just chased some of the others. Sliding down the door in exhaustion he took a breather. He was surprisingly calm, his thoughts were clear and his heart wasn't beating too fast taking the situation under consideration. It was just like he came from a morning jog. The irrational fear he felt didn't come from him, if that makes any sense. It was like the antivirus closing a program automatically or removing it once it found out to be a threat to the computer. The owner wouldn't have thought twice about using the program but the antivirus knows better....in most cases. You could say his antivirus was a 10/10. Then he realized, as his heart started pounding faster that he had gone upstairs, a floor above the creature, certainly not where the exit was. He had to get out of there. He couldn't waste more time than he already had and he couldn't risk waiting there for anyone. He suddenly remembered a game that his nephew played with a theme like "Survive the Night until Morning inside the building". Well good thing this wasn't a game with those death sentence rules. He had to find a map with the layout of the building and hopefully find a fire escape in this floor. Worst case scenario the fire escape was a floor below him. Taking a deep breath he opened the office door and ventured outsiide.[/color]