[color=fff200]Hey! There was no need to say that![/color] Damn the Dunmer sure was blunt, her words really hurt Hilda even though some time had passed since then, she simply hugged her arms and thought for an excuse to say, although everyone knew she got completely overwhelmed by the huntress. From the corner of her eyes she saw Jarett and soon after Sisseepa getting arriving to the mead hall. [color=fff200]There was no need to give all I had in that silly fight, the idea was not to kill each other.[/color] She explained to Alit before turning her head to the Argonian and replied with a simle, [color=fff200]Yes, thank to you. You are alwys taking care of things like this. I really appreciate it.[/color] Her kind words where suddenly interrupted by someone who slammed the door, it was no other than Aela. "New bloods! We have a huge problem in hands! The Harbinger is missing!" She slammed her hands against one of the tables and left a letter she had recived from Dovahkiin before disappearing. "[color=ed1c24]I am on my way to Solitud in order to meet with Delphine and other members of the Blades, the meeting will be in a secret place. For some reason Delphine is yet to tell me Sky Heaven Temple is no longer safe. If the enemy is not the Thalmor, who have been trying to track down the Blades for yers, then the Companions as well may be on danger. I will send you a letter as soon as I arrive to Solitude Dovahkiin[/color] "This letter was sent almost two weeks ago! You whelps go get ready, you are going to Solitude inmediatly!" The Huntress commanded, Hilda nodded and stood up, her combat gear was ready, she just took a lehter backpack with some supplies and was redy to go.