[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aDbyCf8.png[/img][/center] Shina felt his presence but didn't bother looking up, she hated what was going on right now, from the heat of the sun to losing her best friend. Life was no where towards Shina, if anything she felt like life was after her right now. Who knows what's next, maybe she'll lose her position in the company. "[color=0072bc]Mcbride huh? Gods, no matter how many times I hear that name I never get sick of it.[/color]" Shina replied as she stood up, towering over the young boy, "[color=0072bc]Your future? What? Do you want me to your wife or something? Or are you after my capabilities to design weapons?[/color]" Shina continued as she looked off into the distance, she was blind so this meant nothing. She's heard the name Mcbride for years, maybe because they can do what she can do, maybe better, maybe worse, she hasn't gone that far. Adranasil is still functioning and still one of the best weapons designing companies out there, no matter who competes with it. Adranasil having Shina made it better, especially since she knew how things went, currently, she's making something so that she may see fully clearly from her visor.