[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180517/677a3d01de56146167ea3823b32c8da3.png[/img] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KldnJVX.png[/img][/center] Gringore Academy has only been around for about 90 years now. It’s a place for all races with abilities to learn how to manage them, to be safe, and to also educate themselves. They can take regular classes as well, but the main focus is on their abilities and how to be live in human society. It’s run like a university, though their are no degrees to be gained. Gringore Academy is the first school that is all inclusive to all the different types of supernaturals. Before Gingore became a school it was once a fully operational state hospital, but it was condemned and auctioned off about 100 years ago. The old hospital was bought by Alfred Gringore, and he began work on creating a Academy. Due to protective barrier and spells only supernaturals and those with magic-sight can see what is really there. A beautiful building, with gardens, and fountains. The interior of Gringore is enormous, with several corridors and hallways adorned with stone arches, and columns. Classically decorated, it is reminiscent of the art nouveau period. It does not look anything like a normal school, with its stained glass windows, marble staircases, hand carved mahogany doors, and grand crystal chandeliers. [hider=Dormitories] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XN0I5tH.png[/img] [/center] [hr] The dormitory is located behind the school across the grand courtyard. It is a seperate building from the academy. The dorm rooms are more modern in appearance. The layout has a nice flow, and the walls are soundproof. The first floor houses the dinning hall and cafeteria in the west wing. The east wing has a large state of the art gym where combat, and guardian physical training classes are held. The Basement is where all the professor and staff offices are located. It is not mandatory to live in the dorms. Many people live in the mundane town of Erehwon, in houses and apartments. The dorm is available to all supernatural though, even those who are not official students at the Academy. [center][img]https://www.lccc.wy.edu/Media/Website-Resources/images-content/Student-Services/Residence-Hall/ResHallUnit3.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=The Grand Courtyard] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1vr7hAj.png[/img][/center] This is the grand courtyard located between the academy building and the dormatory. [/hider] [hider=Gringore to the Mundane] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zmvpTPy.png[/img][/center] [hr] The place has only become more rundown looking over the decades, and mundane townsfolk tend to keep away, since everyone thinks it hunted, and cursed. Gringore is covered by a powerful glamour, so humans only see the old abandoned state hospital, and surrounding spooky forest. In addition to the glamour to ward off humans, there is also an unbreakable protection spell cast over the building and surrounding grounds. The spell makes mundanes who wonder to close feel sick, and the closer they get the worse they feel. There is also a gate keeper named Rocko, who uses illusion of ghosts, and rabid dogs to scare off the more braver souls. [/hider] [hider=Clubs, Activities, and Fraternities] [color=ed1c24][u][b](WORK IN PROGRESS)[/b][/u][/color] These are just some of the clubs and activities offered at Gringore. Please feel free to create your own clubs. [hider=The Grand Circle] Witch coven for like minded witches.[/hider] [hider=Pantheon Frats] These are the Fraternities with houses on Gringore Campus. Only Demi-Gods can join these frats, and even then they can only join the house that is their godly parent's Pantheon. All Demi students and non-students can stay in their designated house and are considered automatic members whether they participate in the frats events or not. Children of a Demi-God who are Maagia can pledge, and are typically allowed into the frat. Also even though it is called a fraternity, both male and females can join. Many of the Houses don't even hold events, and really just a safe haven, and free place to live for the Demi students. Many of these houses are empty, or only have one occupant, as there aren't any Demi-Gods of that particular pantheon around. Egyptian House Nordic House Greek House Celtic House Hindu House Aztec House Arabian House Incan House Chinese House Rigvedic House African House Buddhist House Slavic House Armenian House Germanic House Maya House Roman House Sumerian House Shinto House [/hider] [hider=Gringore Auxiliaries] This is an organization of students who are training and working towards becoming official Guardians. They work alongside the local Guardians, part-time as guardians-trainees. This includes participating and aiding in emergency services, providing security for Academy events, and shadowing other Guardians. It is similar to JROTC and other cadet programs. Joining the Gringore Auxiliaries is not mandatory or necessary to become a Guardian. [u][b]Known Current Members[/b][/u] - Tony Kideyoshi - Kayley Sherwood - Penny Faye - Rickard Weber - President and Captain - Liam Templeton [/hider] [hider=Magic Technology and Inventors Club][/hider] [hider=Castor Society]Club for castors to meet, practice, and share their knowledge.[/hider] [hider=Divination Club][/hider] [hider=Herbalist club]Basically Gardening club, but with magical plants, and Mundane plants used in potion making. They share the greenhouse with the Conservation Society.[/hider] [hider=Conservation Society]This is a club for students who want to advocate, publicize, and work on both international and domestic projects that focus on, Magical wildlife protection, creature conservation, and protecting endangered Fae species such as Unicorns. They share the greenhouse with the Herbalist club.[/hider] [hider=Alchemy Club][/hider] [hider=Demonology Club][/hider] [hider=The Travelers]Traveling together and learning about different realms and supernaturals towns and places. [/hider] [hider=Mixology League] This is the potion and brewing club.[/hider] [Hider=Fitzroy Pack] This is the largest Shifter pack at Gringore. Most of them live together in the abandoned mansion in the forest. They like to throw parties. They also like to fight with other packs...Typically smaller packs devolve once Drake Fitzroy the Alpha kicks their Alpha's ass and makes them join his pack. [/hider] [/hider]