[HIDER=Fargo Moliinci][CENTER][img]https://static.zerochan.net/Tachibana.Makoto.full.1583613.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][b]Name:[/b] Fargo Moliinci [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] Fargo stands at just over 6ft tall, while weighing in at 230lbs. Nothing else to really note, aside from a number of scratches/bite marks and the faint smell of dung, along with his muscle toned body from his constant wildlife adventures. [b]Personality:[/b] Fargo is an overly enthusiastic man with a place in his heart for every animal on the planet. Even if they're dangerous, or just plain deadly, he shows affection to them with no fear. His passion is clear as he coaxs animals to calm down into his grasp; Even dangerous predators, like wild crocodiles. While his bravery is a positive trait, he tends to overextend himself and sometimes ends up getting himself into trouble. He's slippery enough to get out of it though... Most of the time. As a pure-blooded aussie, it's only natural for Fargo to be angry sometimes. His temper flares up when someone crosses him or or gets on his nerves, and he can throw out swears people have never even heard before. He can get especially angry when people threaten wild animals; As most of the time killing them is perfectly avoidable. He doesn't appreciate killing just for the sake of it. Generally towards people he'll share his enthusiasm and passions; Wanting others to appreciate nature like he does, though he understands it isn't for everyone. He can be fairly friendly, if a bit of a smartass, to the people around him. He's got a sharp tongue and the fists to back it up if a fight breaks out; Making him a good friend to have, and a terrifying enemy to oppose you. [b]Background:[/b] Fargo was born into a middle-class family in Sydney, Australia. As a young boy he had a fascination with animals, and his favorite place to go was the zoo. He could stare and watch the animals for hours, admiring the things they did and the way they communicated. He almost felt like he had a natural connection to them; Though his parents dismissed this as him being overly imaginative. His resolve only grew stronger over the years, however, as Fargo saw amazing acts like people taming vicious crocodiles, communicating and playing with seals, and dolphins. He decided he wanted to be like them one day; And it drove him to focus in school, in order to learn how to follow his dream. The boy was, unfortunately, too impatient for college. He lacked the qualifications to fulfil his dream, as he considered it all a bit too over the top to be necessary. So what did he do? He started one study rather than half a dozen; Animal psychology. He learned how animals acted in the wild and why, and then went out to find and tame his own animals. Who needed zoos, right? It was a bumpy road for Fargo. Multiple times he'd been chased by dangerous animals, bitten by poisonous things, and generally disregarded for his choices in life. But he pressed on, slowly observing the wildlife of Australia and learning how to befriend them. First it was snakes, then small coyotes, and he even managed to calm down crocodiles. He never intended to keep to keep them; Rather, he just wanted them free in the wild. That was more than enough for him. Recently, Fargo has had plans to travel the world and befriend many more animals; He has a flight leaving in twenty-six hours, and is packing and saying his goodbyes. He knew he'd be back, he just wasn't sure when. He knew one thing, though... He was going to have a hell of a lot of fun. [b]Abilities:[/b] [b][i]You n' Me Are Buddies:[/i][/b] Fargo is able to tame most creatures to the point of them letting him pet them and study them closer than normal. He can also stop hostilities between animals and his fellow adventurers. If there are other hostile enemies around, the animals may turn on them due to their threatening presence! [b][i]You Wanna Go, Ya Mug?!:[/i][/b] Fargo is a tough guy; He'll punch your teeth out if you piss him off, and he knows how to swing a kukri, as well. Making him unofficially somewhat experienced with shortswords. He's not the slowest person, either; Though he's far from the fastest. [b][i]Ain't A Doctah, But I'll Do!:[/i][/b] Fargo is aware of natural cures for common poisons, and knows how to look for symptoms in individuals to specify the poison type. In other words, he'll save your ass in a bad situation. [b]Relic:[/b] [b]UNIDENTIFIED KUKRI[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AqjNDM8I-g]THEME[/url] [/INDENT][/HIDER]