[color=ed1c24]”Yeah sure, we got no where else to go.”[/color] Noru shrugged as Rex sniffed around the trapdoor before tapping it with with claw on his big toe. Before eventually getting bored of it and walking back towards the group. [color=fff200]”Dirty cowards backing off when things gets tough!”[/color] Noru rolled his eyes at the Digimon’s grumbling and said to him teasingly. [color=ed1c24]”Aw is the big lizard grumpy?”[/color] Rex shat a sharp glance at Noru. [color=fff200]”Noru I swear to Yggdrasil...”[/color] Noru smirked before heading over the transport pad and the opening up a screen. He pressed a few buttons making sure that it wasn’t some sort of trap, a common trick with hackers is switching out models to something else. [color=ed1c24]”Well it seems fine, only thing to do is move on.”[/color] Noru motioned to Fumi ‘after you’ just to really make sure it was a teleport pad and not a spring trap or anything.