[center][hider=Corpse Knight][center] [color=brown][h1]Toru Ayanokoji[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/XAfpkBh.png[/img] [hider=costume][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/metalgear/images/9/9f/Model_Raiden.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091019140715[/img] Toru's costume also has a cute little smiley-face mask. It's main feature is that certain areas are actually detachable, such as the spaces around his elbows and shoulders, his wrists, his legs, and of course his neck. [/hider] [color=brown]Gender[/color] Boi [color=brown]Age[/color] 16 [color=brown]Height[/color] 5 feet, 10 inches [color=brown]Weight[/color] 160lbs [color=brown]Personality[/color] The fervor Ayanokoji displays when pursuing something he considers "entertaining" is matched only by the slothful approach that he takes towards anything else, a bit of a contradiction in his personality. To the uninterested, Toru might be dismissed as nothing more than a "prankster" who is much too immature to care about anybody other than himself and way too willling to dismember himself or otherwise cause himself harm in order to rouse a reaction out of his next victim. And while this wouldn't be an entirely incorrect assessment of his character, there is a lot more to the young man than meets the eye. Yes, he adores childish things like pranks and puns. He almost seems to be entirely composed of them. Getting a great reaction from his pranks is almost like a high for him. Toru seems to dislike lying in general, though there is a clear exception made when he can nail a prank because of one little white lie. Perhaps he's addicted? The dedication he exibits to pulling a prank off would have most agreeing with that thought. Fortunately, he understands one cannot prank 24/7 and so puns tend to tide him over in the meantime. The cold truth is that some people are potential casualities of exasperation, but he knows this is a sacrifice he is willing to make. And as mentioned before, he can be quite the lazybones on subjects that are not pranks or puns. He looks at the people who place hardwork and effort above everything else and he geuninely scratches his head in confusion. The act of putting your all into each and every little thing is alien to him, and far too tiresome. He'd be entirely content drifting through life and expending the least amount of effort possible and so he tries to. This makes him the natural enemy to diligent teachers and students alike. Most would not call him 'reliable' either. Casual conversation with Toru makes him out to be rather amiable, though he can be blunt at times. He has a very playful nature and doesn't seem to get mad even when insulted. He reacts most positively to fun and light atmospheres. Conversely, he seems to intentionally avoid more serious subject matter, or tries to lighten it up when he can't. He seems at a loss, however, when he's not allowed to be a goofball or can't escape from a downer situation. And as far as speaking about himself goes... well, he's pefectly okay speaking about his hobbies and other surface-level subjects like them. He'd almost give the appearance of being entirely transparent, but he's clearly unwilling to talk about his feelings or his more personal thoughts. People who attempt to press for this information will find that it is done so in vain, and it's up to them to realize this before they upset him. As rare as it is for him to get genuinely upset, when he does it has consequences. This strong reaction from him is perhaps the most obvious indicator that he keeps a wall between himself and others. There's a distance that he's yet to let other cross, so it would not be incorrect to say he's never had a proper friend before if you consider relationships a measure of trust. He's merely had preferred acquaintances. He's seemingly unempathetic because he's incapable of understanding how others think or feel. A prankster mixed with some emotional incompetence is a slightly better tl;dr. [color=brown]Background[/color] Ayanokoji Toru was born into this world via the union of two very loving parents, who'd wanted nothing more than to create a big, happy family. It would not be an overstatement to say that they so very much looked forward to holding the baby right after it was born, hearing it's cute little heartbeat, and listening to its adorable little wails. Such was the blessing provided to all parents, after all. Of course, this was not to be, as an infant Toru was born without a heartbeat and was motionless. Quite frankly, there weren't any signs of life. Immediately, the staff at the hospital tried their best to figure out what happened or if they could revive the poor young child, only to find him start laughing when his parents began to despair. It would seem that Toru was always the little shit. Toru grew up rather unpopular as he was considered quite strange. Because even if they had some physical differences because of their Quirks, just about everybody needed to breathe or blink. Or they had a heart that beat. Toru was not like that, however. These sort of unconcious things were not a part of him. So like many japanese children in anime do, they opted to bully the poor young Ayanokoji instead of accepting him. He was convinced that he would be accepted if he were more normal. A lot of his young life was spent attempting to remove the parts about himself that made him undesirable to the others. It was difficult to learn how to breathe, or to eat when you were never hungry. Teaching his heart to beat was perhaps the most difficult thing, but thankfully it was possible due to his Quirk. So, until he could pretty much set these functions on autopilot, he worked tireless trying more and more to become 'normal'. Eventually, he succeeded! But once he had? He wasn't treated any better. And furthmore, he came to realize that he shouldn't care if they thought he was normal. Why did he have to do what they wanted? He didn't! He decided that instead of trying to please them, he should try to get back at them. Being as young as he was, he didn't think about violence. No, he thought of something much more childish -- pranks! If they didn't like his Quirk, then he'd certainly use his Quirk to screw with them! And so he did. He actually may have even became the bully at some point with how much he tormented them. They weren't very adaptable, it seemed. And while he was pranking them, he found a sort of excitement he was unused to. He'd never had so much fun before. So while he originally only intended to mess with his bullies, somewhere along the way he ended up forgetting that. As his selections of victims rose, so too did his willingness to inflict harm on himself to achieve better results. Things had begun to get out of hand, he was starting to become some kind of neighborhood/school terror. Toru's parents apparently needed to move because of their jobs, but he always had the suspicion that it may have been his fault. Still, the opporunity was much welcomed. With a fresh start, he could now be normal! Yes, that's it! Only, when that time came he genuinely wasn't sure how to interact with other people. He tried befriending people, only to place his trust in the wrong hands and get burned. At each point, it seemed simply having fun by himself, at the cost of other's sanity, was much more enjoyable. That probably wasn't normal, was it? There had never once been thought about becoming a Hero before he made the decision. But Toru eventually found himself applying for a Hero Academy. Why? There wasn't any significantly deep reason. It wasn't out of a sense of duty, or some hidden desire to be desired. It was because he figured it might be fun. He came to this conclusion after he was involved in a typical scenario where a villain took the store he was in hostage. Toru was never one to claim he was selfless or brave. In fact, given his reaction to his bullies originally, he considered himself somewhat of a coward. But, well, dire situations tend to bring out sides of people they don't always understand they have. When the situation with the villain became sour, the bastard attempted to go after some woman and her child. Toru found himself jumping selflessly in front of the two, taking a fatal blow in their stead. The villain, as small-time and vain as he was, cackled maniacally as he drew nearer, perhaps intending to harm the woman and child, but was caught off guard by Toru, who obviously wasn't as dead as the villain thought he was. He experienced a rush quite unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. And so, 'for fun', he decided he'd try to become a hero. Was that normal? Probably not. But he decided that if what he was doing wasn't normal, then normal wasn't fun. [color=brown]Quirk[/color] [b]Undeath[/b] The easiest way to explain Toru's quirk is that he is a zombie, at least that's what most people think of when they see him in action. There is a bit more to it, however. Toru's quirk is a mutant-type that allows him to recover from almost any injury he could physically sustain, so long as there's a piece of him to regenerate from. He can shrug off impalement, broken bones and missing limbs, will never bleed out, and can survive decapitation. He, naturally, has a pain tolerance well above the norm. He also has never been 'sick' before, leading one to believe he's immune to disease. And, on top of this, he has almost limitless endurance and is very physically strong for his age and size. He seems to have control over his body in ways that others do not. This is a regenerative Quirk that allows him to either grow back pieces of himself or even reattach them if he desires, but don't expect any "cloning" shenanigans as there can only ever be one Toru. His quirk does, of course, have some weaknesses. While he might seem like he'll never run out of stamina, his healing ability does slow down considerably over time, particularly when he's forced to constantly regenerate. Additionally, if his head (brain) is destroyed, he's able to come back, but the full recovery period for that is a few days, so he's vulnerable to being finished off, if a foe so desires. He can come back from considerable damage, but he is not any more durable than the average person, so taking him down is far from impossible, and he can be trapped fairly easy, as while he is pretty strong, anybody with a physical quirk will have not have much problems. [color=brown]Talent[/color] Pain Tolerance - Pain doesn't faze him. At least, most pain doesn't. Being set on fire is still something he doesn't necessarily care for, but otherwise he's almost unstoppable in that regard. Pranks - His reason for existence, pretty much. He is also capable of more practical pranks, such as a good ol whoopy cushion or water buckets above a door. People would be better off keeping their eye out for him. Blunt weapons - Are his specialty. He's not exactly trained in their use or anything, but he has indeed been in a few fights and favors such things. Fighting - He's not 'skilled' in any form of fighting style. He can throw a good punch or a kick, but that's about it. He's easily beaten skill-wise by people with training, particularly those who can use his own actions against him. Of course, despite currently being terrible at fighting, he's still a major threat in close-range to people who might be considered 'normal' due to his limitless stamina and his Quirk which more or less make any damage from hand-to-hand done to him null. He doesn't seem to take very many things seriously, and fights aren't often an exception either. He's prone to making jokes mid-fight, willing to abuse his regeneration against people who don't have a Quirk that's an immediate concern of his, and may come off as rather condescending. Depending on the person, this may be a positive or a negative trait for him. When he does decide to bother with the fight, he's rather resourceful given his lack of experience and skill. He doesn't really follow any sort of principle when fighting. He's not looking to kill, obviously, but aside from that, anything's fair game. He's got a preference for blunt objects, particularly a bat, for weapons but if he can't find one, odds are he'll just use his own dismembered limbs as weapons. Fairly creepy stuff. [color=brown]Stats[/color] Power- C Speed- C Technique- C Intelligence-B Cooperativeness-F[/center][/hider][/center]