Alice gapped in open mouthed horror at the woman. She wanted the tailor to remove her mask?! And risk being recognized and reported to the authorities? Terror flooded Alice as she raised a hand to the delicate mask she had taken such time to make sure didn't come off. "I [i]can't[/i]." Tears were leaking down her cheeks from under the black lace. Her slim fingers trembling. "I can't. You're a- you're the same as me." Alice whispered desperately, her eyes pleading that Aleera would understand. "If I remove this mask, I'll have everyone after me to throw me in a loony bin or something!" Her voice cracking in fright. "I can't do that to myself, let alone what would happen to the woman I owe my life to. I've lost my business, and all my life's work because of some bastard. I'm pleading, do not make me do this." Alice gripped Aleera's hands in one of her own as her other hand moved up to protect the mask. "I don't know what opportunity you speak of. Please, explain what you can and perhaps I can help without removing my mask." Alice was outright weeping in panic at the thought of removing such a flimsy shield but it had given her the confidence to step beyond Liza's protection. To go with someone she had thought of a friend and wasn't so sure of any more. "[i]Please.[/i]"